Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Movies › Most Overrated Christopher Nolan Films
Easily the most overrated Nolan film is Dunkirk…no interesting characters and bland as hell. What say you?
Yeah it’s probably Dunkirk; I love war movies but have not had any desire to watch it a second time
No blood in a war movie hurts too
The Dark Knight Rises, however it’s still a very good movie
They wasted 10 minutes talking about corn.
Agreed Tuggs! The more you watch and think about Inception the less it holds up over time
Interstellar. I think Christopher Nolan was trying to pull off another Inception, but it just didn’t have the same finesse. Sadly, the story was drowned out by the “science”.
This came from my original profile, which was deleted because of this comment.
I am outraged.
None of his movies are overrated to me. Doesn’t mean they met my expectations(TDKR) however he has made pretty awesome movies regardless.
perfect answer!
TDKR is an average film at best…most people will say that but anyone that says otherwise is overrating it
The Dark Knight, it is good but fuck me dead people act like it’s bigger then the second coming of Jesus
Booooo it is that good and you know it! ;)