REVIEW: Lost in Space, Season 1, Episode 9 “Resurrection”

“Whatever you think of me and the things that I’ve done, I’m not a monster.”


“Resurrection” opens with a flashback of the Robinson family on Earth discovering that the planet has been hit by a meteor. In the present, the kids are wondering where Maureen is and why June took her. Maureen wakes up and realizes what happened. In the past and present Will tries to contact John with a communicator. Will realizes his rock from the cave is really alien poop, and can be used to fuel the Jupiter. The people go to the cave and find plenty of the poop, as well as the animals that have been producing it. June wants Maureen to help her fix the alien ship so they can all use that to escape. Will’s communicator goes off, waking up the creatures and sending them into a frenzy. One of them grabs Hiroki, and Angela and the kids hide between the crystallized poop. The aliens are evidently blind and can’t find them if they’re silent. Maureen discovers the reason for the robot attacking the Resolute: the humans stole alien technology to build the ship’s engine. Angela saves Penny from one of the creatures and everyone, including Hiroki, makes it out alive. Vijay apologizes to Penny and asks if she wants to hang out again, an offer that she declines. Judy finds June and Maureen, but her attempt to get Maureen out is foiled when the robot wakes up, now obedient to June.

“Resurrection” is another great episode of Lost in Space. I really appreciate the parallel they draw between Will on Earth and Will now, desperately trying to get into contact with John, even when the rest of the family is resigned to his absence. Of course Will ends up being right, but receiving the communication from John wakes up the space-bats that have created the poop-fuel. I think this is a really interesting resolution to the fuel shortage, too; coming up with it is pretty smart on Will’s part, and this is pretty much the first time he’s displayed any character traits beyond his relationship to the people (and robot) around him.

One thing that bothers me in “Resurrection” is Judy blaming Will for the events of “Trajectory.” Technically speaking, yes, it was he who released June, allowing Maureen to be put out of commission. But as I said last time, this is really on his parents. They should have been forthcoming about what was going on with June and why she can’t be trusted. When she offered Will the choice to save his father and get everyone off the planet, he did what any young child in his position would. One could argue that he never should have been in the garage anyway, but John and Maureen should know that their children are not very obedient. I just feel that Judy putting the guilt of the present situation on Will is wrong and mean-spirited, especially since I usually like Judy so much.

Of course it had to be this way, but not seeing Don in “Resurrection” further emphasizes what a cool character he is. The main focus is on John because he’s the kids’ father, but the prospect of Judy’s budding friendship with Don coming to an end is sad too. In a way it would be even sadder because while John would leave behind a loving family, Don would only be missed by a couple of new friends. I hope when the men inevitably come back for the finale Judy gives Don a big hug or something to show he really was missed.

Maureen, Lost in Space, Resurrection

The scenes with Maureen and June in “Resurrection” are so frustrating, and I mean that in a good way. Seeing June with complete control over the situation is annoying, especially after what she did in the end of “Trajectory.” Everything she says is calculated and makes you want to strangle her. She plays off (allegedly) killing Don and John as a misunderstanding, saying she just needed Maureen’s help. Everything, from her desire to control the robot to endangering human lives, boils down to her super annoying victim complex. Seeing Maureen bound is enraging and I kept hoping she’d just kick June or something. It was mildly cathartic seeing her push June after not being released, but it just leads to the realization that the ship is magnetized. Insult is added to injury when Judy “rescues” Maureen, only to be caught and stopped by the robot. Hopefully in the finale the robot will have another change of heart, probably due to Will.

I’m seriously getting tonal whiplash from the Darrs as a family. We never see much of the mom and she’s spoken all of twice, but Victor and Vijay are just hot and cold as characters. I was glad to see Penny turn him down to go out again, as he seems to have the emotional maturity of a monkey, and zero consideration for the feelings of others. Victor seems okay again when he offers to take Will with him, but I think it is very inconsiderate to talk about John and “survivors” the way he does. This is a child who has a father presumed dead and a mother missing. Where does Victor get off telling Will to accept that his parents are dead? Every time I try to like this character, it’s like he goes out of his way to do something despicable.

As usual for this show, the music and visuals in “Resurrection” are on point, although the aliens don’t look as good as one might hope based on some of the show’s other special effects. I almost wish they would use practical effects on the creatures and save the computer graphics for what they’re best at: landscapes and atmospheres.

Overall, “Resurrection” is a great episode and I have very few nitpicks with it. There isn’t a second of filler in this episode and it builds tension very well. The scenes with June create this great sense of anxiety equal to the excitement when Will’s communicator lights up. I can’t wait to see the finale and what becomes of Don, John, June and everyone else.

Lost in Space "Resurrection"

Plot - 9
Acting - 8
Progression - 8.5
Production Design - 8.5
Creativity - 9



Overall, “Resurrection” is a great episode and I have very few nitpicks with it. There isn’t a second of filler in this episode and it builds tension very well. The scenes with June create this great sense of anxiety equal to the excitement when Will’s communicator lights up. I can’t wait to see the finale and what becomes of Don, John, June and everyone else.

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