Disney Star Wars

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Disney Star Wars

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  • #156575

    Lets respect Disney for fixing Star Wars!


    Get out


    I would like a moment to express my love for Reylo. Two seemingly opposite characters who share nothing in common coming together in a romantic connection is truly beatiful and I thank JJ Abrams for making this ship a reality. The love story between Rey and Kylo is quite similar to that of  Romeo and Juliet since they both come from very different backgrounds and their people do not want them to be together. However like always love conquers all. When Kylo sacrificed his life to save Rey with his special force healing ability I must admit I began to tear up. This may be the greatest love story ever seen in film, and I will always come back to the Disney Star Wars trilogy purely to see Rey and Kylo fall in love. Even though the ending is tragic it sends a powerful message about love and sacrifce. #Reylo4Life

    Reylo Kiss



    How rude! There is no place for bigotry in this thread thank you veeeeeeery much!




    Rey is gey.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by ChadIncel.

      You’re going to get banned before we officially launch the site.


      nice, ABC


        Cancel ABC


        Dude, wtf? Lol #cancelABC


        Fuck the Disney trilogy


        Top 10 Bruh moments


        Come on, man, I ain’t taking things seriously and in fact I thought whatever ABC said about this is hilarious lol

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by SonicNights.

        Ban this fool checkmark boi


        who are you talking about?


        I’ll need many alcoholic beverages in my system before I even consider shipping Reylo…

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