Tabletop RPGs or Board Games?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Support & Feedback Forum Suggestions Tabletop RPGs or Board Games?

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  • #165490

    Is there enough interest on here to warrant a Tabletop RPG/Board Game section? Like D&D, Pathfinder, GURPS, Open Legend or that sort of stuff that doesn’t fall under the Videogame category?


    Before anything else Im a Tabletop gamer / mini painter.

    This would be fantastic.


    I’d be for this. Would love to discuss board/tabletop games more.

    Although I think D&D is big enough to warrant its own separate forum. Not to mention it would be a great space to arrange some games

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.

    I would be there for this. I’ve been playing 5E D&D for almost six years and would love to talk about it with fans of G&G.


    My group ditched WotCrack in 2012 for a system called Savage Worlds.

    Savage is a basic streamlined system where just using the basic rulebook you can play anything from D&D to Star Wars.

    I have heard that 5th ed is less of a shitshow than 4th ed was but They just dont comprehend the power creep problem.


    I’m currently playing a Savage Worlds game with my friends! We are about 2 sessions in, but we like it!


    As for 5e, it’s… Fine, I guess. Can’t really complain.


    Yeah, I started 5e late, but it’s workable now that I’m actually playing it. My group is pretty dedicated, so that helps a lot!


    I hope we get a dedicated forum for it!


    It would be great!


    I just got into painting minis. I bought a bunch and I figured it’s time to get painting! I really like the Reaper minis for practice. If I mess up too bad, $2-$3 is a tiny loss.


    reaper makes a ‘learn to paint kit’ they are something like $30 and have a few shades of paint a brush or two and a few figures. Im told they are really good for basic beginner stage work.

    Ive met people on the reaper FB site who have done fewer than 50 figures that are better at that stage than I was at maybe 150 figures. Difference between self taught and getting helpful instructions.


    Cool. What kind of game you running? my groups last game was in Shaintar.

    Saturday im starting a game in a revamped Dragonlance conversion based on the 3rd edition savage rules from the end of last year.


    I’d say that this topic is broad enough for its own section as well. In the mean time I’ve used the toys/hobbies section for talking about my 40K Imperial Guard army.


    We are doing a Skyrim campaign, set in the Civil War. No Dragonborn involved. Just soldiers shedding blood for Skyrim. The whole group decided together to be on the Stormcloak side.





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