Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Anime › What is your favorite memorable quote(s)?
Hiya folks!
Ok, so here’s one that we haven’t done yet. What are some of your favorite lines from anime? It can be more than one, or from more than one character. Also…please check back as more people respond to the thread, and let others know what you think of what they’ve posted :)
Have fun!
I can think of two, right off the bat.
1) Captain Toushirou Hitsugaya (Bleach) “I didn’t come here to fight you. I came here to violently kill you!”
2) Vegeta (DragonballZ) “Welcome to the end of your life. And I promise, it’s going to hurt.”
“Ready for the pain?”
This second one is just played out Perfectly by the American voice actor, Christopher Sabat. I can’t say that I’ve agreed with a lot of his viewpoints, or social views. But I love his voice for Vegeta.
Neemon: “Are my ears getting burnt?” Bokomon: “Why bother, your brain’s already cooked” – Digimon Frontier
Hahaha That’s pretty good :D
I am a Gundam
Setsuna F Seiei