Star Wars – The Future?

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  • #174098

    Hi all,

    Couldn’t find a discussion on this subject, maybe cos no one wants to get they’re hopes up or maybe no one cares, but what are people’s thoughts on these new sequel trilogy reset rumours? is it possible? Do you love the sequel trilogy? Do you despise the sequel trilogy and imagine it was all a bad dream?


    I’ve actually just found the post elsewhere in the forum haha regarding this.

    ignore this then haha.


    I say don’t reset the sequel Trilogy. Just give the Sequel Trilogy the Dragonball GT treatment which is destroy and erase the Sequel Trilogy from existence and put Star Wars in a freaking vault although Star Wars should have been a vault in the first place instead of getting a Sequel trilogy


      Love it or hate it the sequel trilogy is out there, hitting the reset button won’t change that, that doesn’t mean things can’t improve in the future, what i heard about turning the sequel trilogy into legends seems like the best option, that way you have a sort of multiverse where they can make (hopefully) new and improved sequels without destroying the one that didn’t really work


      They have to move forward in animation to make the reset work. And that sucks cause the people running the animation are 1st class SJW assholes.

      Run the Thawn trilogy as the first series of movies, or tv shows then move through the rest of the EU from there. Krazy KK fucked us all with this THERE IS NO CANON bullshit.




      For me personally I would just move away from the sequel trilogy era and focus more on the time before the prequel trilogy.


      They’ll have to come up with something really original to get me interested again.

      For example the Mandalorian was objectively good, but not great. There’s no real anticipation for the next season. When it comes, it comes and if I’m in the mood to watch it I will, but the magic is gone.

      I’ll stick with the original trilogy and maybe Revenge of the Sith, thanks.




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