A Message for the Silent Majority (An Important Thread)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events A Message for the Silent Majority (An Important Thread)

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  • #176016

    Please go to Bitchute to watch the full version and non censored version.  I have tried a few times to get the link to work and nothing gets posted.  So I am posting the YT video link here.

    I urge everyone to watch and listen very closely.  I trust Terrence Popp with my life.  He is a man of honor and a true hero of our lifetime.  Take this seriously.

    Please DM me if you are living in the Tampa Bay area for contact details about what we are doing locally and how you can stand up and be counted.



    Lets see if I can get the Bitchute link to work here.


    I have had the feeling for some time now something isn’t right.  I hope we are all wrong so we can just keep living the life we are use to living.  Non of us want this.  But the other side of the coin doesn’t care what you think or what you are doing with your life.  When the time comes you need to be ready.

    Anyone with half a brain can see what is going on.  WE are not idiots.  Prepare and get organized!  The other side already is a few steps ahead of us.  I have not been online for a few days and have lots of RL stuff going on atm.  But was important for me to stop by and share my friend’s video here.

    Listen closely folks.

    And feel free to have an open discussion.  I will return to reply to what I can.  I have a lot of work a head of me here.


    All so true.


    There is evil and unspeakable horrors being committed within our own borders. By powerful people, including those elected to office. We cannot go about living the life that we’ve been living. These things NEED to be revealed, so that we, as a nation, can make a badly needed course correction. It WILL be worth it.

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