A place for The Fandom of the Crips cuz

Geeks + Gamers Forums Support & Feedback Forum Suggestions A place for The Fandom of the Crips cuz

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Crips of the Fandom Menace we got a good gang and Ryan was wearing a red shirt. Jeremy you need to wear a blue shirt cuz 👌🤙💯.</p>


    👌🤙 westside blues cuzflat,750x1000,075,f


    While I am not someone who would have joined a gang I find the dynamic, power plays and culture facilitating. From the movies Gangs of New York, Romper Stomper, Warriors, to Colors the stories can be compelling especially from a story telling perspective. Character development is easier then in other stories that I have read and/or written.

    I was inspired by the gangs from NYC in the 1970’s when I wrote this (shameless plug), but in a scifi setting.  I’d like to hear your opinion and feedback on it.

    Gangs from Another World – Part I & II

    Gangs from Another World – Part III



    Hell yeah cuz 👌🤙








    Um, is this serious? Or some sort of sarcasm? Cause I’m not about to support gang activity.


    This shit’s goood

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