We need to stop relying on Hollywood

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    <p style=”text-align: center;”>What I am going to say is pure virtue signalling which I would like to apologize for that although I won’t alienate you for it nor will I get mad about it. I’m going to do myself and not give a shit about people doing what I’m about to say.
    We need to stop relying on Hollywood in providing us with good entertainment as well as keep ourselves, our friends, our families, our loved ones, and our children away from their upcoming.</p>
    We should do ourselves a favor and just spend most our fucking time on Anime, Manga, Tokusatsu, etc or help Independent Creators grow or make our thing or all above.

    To all the YouTubers who have a Geeks and Gamers, have considered doing Anime Videos like for example, Anime realted News Videos, Lore Videos focusing on any anime, Videos reviewing Anime, Manga, Tokusatsu, etc? The reason ask you guys this so you give people options.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

    Hollyweird has been hemorrhaging money for years. The more they appear to be normal-like or virtue signal they less influence they have.


    I’m all in for anime and gaming at this time, so that means I don’t rely on Hollywood that much anymore.


    I watched a really good video on Youtube, and the guy was basically saying that it’s the beginning of the end for movie theatres(Hollywood). I think the coronavirus has probably accelerated it, but these people will virtue signal Hollywood into the ground.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>The hypocrites in Hollywood forget they need us more than we need them…</p>


    Mainstream is always bad for everyone. Everyone must create their own independent content now, as nearly everything has been corrupted.


    I agree that we need to stop relying on Hollywood for a lot of things, but I doubt that what is going on now is going to be the end of Hollywood. What we’re seeing is a major paradigm shift. It’s happened before in Hollywood’s past. This new attitude Hollywood has (voice actors staying in their own “lanes”, preferences for hiring certain skin colors, etc) will remain for many years and the studios will suffer but it won’t be the end. This is how it will be until the next shift, which will probably be when the next generation rolls in. For now, I will stick to watching my dvds and even some of my old VHS tapes (I still have a VCR).


      I stopped many years ago.


      Actors will say/do anything for $20 and a bump of coke.


      The cycle of Fame needs to be broken, where the media promotes actors to make them seem important, and then the actors appear in movies that make money since the paying audience has been convinced that the actors in the movies are somehow important.  Actors are just regular people like you and me, and film companies only care about making money– well they used to before this leftist political crusade went into high gear…

      People need to stop worshiping famous actors, and stop following them, and stop paying money to see things that they do.

      In its place, switch your entertainment to independent films or shows with actors who are not a part of the media hype machine.  Shows from other countries fit that description, like anime or even bollywood.   Video games also fit that description, or even just go back to reading books for a while.

      Fame gives Hollywood actors a sense of power and entitlement that they do not deserve.  And a platform to preach their nonsensical beliefs, that they should not have.

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