Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Television › The Drumhead, Picard vs SJW
Captain Picard at his finest!
From The Drumhead season 4 episode 21
Back when Star Trek was Star Trek.
Oh, when TV was good.
Not the crap they in helly-wood wants to shove down our throats.
I am so glad I tend to but series seasons on DVD, so I can watch them, unedited with sjw biases, as they were meant to be viewed.
DRUMHEAD is what they did to President Trump, saying he was a “Russian asset” and then putting the full power of the state and media to prove it no matter what!
They are only against such tactics being used against themselves but they have no issue doing whatever it takes to others to get their way. It broke my heart when I realized that these shows only serve the purpose of manipulating you into being a subservient, gullible sheep. People are completely bad – there is just nothing genuinely good about us whatsoever. If you 100% knew for sure that you could get away with doing absolutely anything with 0 consequences, you’d do it. No matter who you are. I guess if we weren’t that way we would not have lasted all the millions of years we’ve supposedly been on this planet, so maybe that’s something to embrace. I can still enjoy old Star Trek by removing myself from reality, but it no longer inspires me for the future.
We are fallible true, but also we are capable of love and that is our major driver and purpose as humans.