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I see alot of threads, the number of replies are getting to be many, and some Geeks are complaining for page breaks.
We see on each forum, along the bottom are page tabs, so why not make that function available for topics as well?
I also know from other forums (that were pre-made), that they have abilities custom created forums do not (or not yet).
For example, we can mark “sub-forums read”, and the whole sites “forum read”.
They also have it that when one opens a topic, it takes you right to the last reply you read (based off when one clicked “forum read”.)
That would help with the large thread replies that one would be sent to the last one has “read”. As it is, we have to scroll down down down until we get to that point.
Just something to think about.
I see we got topic pages now.
Sure does save on load times.
Thanks you!
Funny, right around this time I was thinking of starting an eighth random thread, while at the same time considering just letting it die. But thread pages are a welcome addition and make it a moot point now.
Seems as a consequence direct replies to posts are gone – All of them now sorted by time. But I guess we can’t have it both ways and this is what the majority of users were asking for.
Seems as a consequence direct replies to posts are gone – All of them now sorted by time. But I guess we can’t have it both ways and this is what the majority of users were asking for.
Yeah, i was wondering what happened, the direct reply button is still there though ???
I’m happy to see the G+G site grow and improve as time goes on, but i would like to see the direct replies working again too 😅
Hello everyone. The page break issues have been worked out. We are still working on a solution for the nested replies. More to come. Thank you for bringing the issue forward.