Cuties on Netflix

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  • #184865

    Jeremy and Josiah beat me to the punch. I want to commend them for hitting this topic head-on. Looks like Az hit it too. Pop culture matters. This garbage cannot go unanswered.

    Rebel Rant – Cuties crawls out of the gutter


    The creators of this film and the parents of these children need to be investigated. This is insanity


      Just watched Jeremy’s video on this, i was about to throw up, absoloutly disgusting


      It pop role models, who are targeting pre-teens can do you…



      Netflix Apologizes For “Inappropriate ” “Cuties” Poster That Was Criticized For Sexualizing Children

      I don’t care if they “apologize”. They’ve already done it. Unless there is some sort of investigation or legal action against this film, I won’t be satisfied


      A soccer player in LA’s wife says “all lives matter” online. The husband is fired from his job despite making a public apology and renouncing his wife and he gets physically attacked after apologizing for what his wife had said and denouncing his wife. This however is acceptable?


      Well there’s more than that. She said BLM supporters and protesters  deserves to die and encouraged cops to kill them. It’s still really dumb the player got fired for dumb shit his wife said.


      Could she have been talking about the rioters? I’m not condoning what she did, as I can’t find exactly what she said in full, but the media has been calling these rioters “protesters”, so could that have been it?


      She posted a video of cops running over the protesters/rioters (keep in mind that everyone protesting on the street aren’t necessarily hostile or violent) with their car and said they all deserve to die.

      Still, it’s fucked up to wish death upon people with different opinions than you.


      The marketing people did their job.

      They got a show no one was talking about/interested in, and now people ARE talking about it.


      And this goes with that other article about how a commi-fornia senator wants to legalize the pedo lifestyle.

      This backlash shows how out of touch hell-ywood is, and how their message of degeneration will continue until they win.



        Actual children twerking: This is fine and if you criticise it you’re an istophobe.

        19 years old anime girl has huge tiddies: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


        Or until they’re shut down.


        BLM “rioters” are engaging in violent insurrection. They are not civilians. They are Marxist insurrections = enemy combatants. It’s literally a warzone. So yeah, they deserve what’s coming to them for trying to overthrow the country. That’s called war.



        They’ve ruined a man’s ability to approach full grown women in the context of mating rituals, marriage, and family. Now, they’re trying to destroy a man’s only viable alternative, fantasy women that don’t exist in real life, while encouraging the sexualization of children.  Hasbro also added a sexualized button on a Trolls World Tour Poppy doll. AND tried to sneak it past the parents attention and into the hands of their children.

        These things aren’t isolated.


        Maybe she saw some of these videos:

        She was being too nice. I wouldn’t tell you what I actually think.

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