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Piglosi just got caught going to a hair salon without a mask. Salons all around San Francisco folded due to her actions and this PlannedDemic. If you are a Democrat, you are fucking tool because in socialist regimes the leaders get everything and the people starve.
Just ask Marie Antoinette Pelosi.
Piglosi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
We the people of Nazifornia hate that whore. If it wasnt for the gay area illegal alien voter issue she would have been removed years ago.
Wow and Gary Beakler (Nerdrotic) had to leave the city because his wife wasn’t allowed to reopen her hair salon. Her only mistake was that her client wasn’t Nancy Pelosi! In Chicago I’ve heard only the mayor is allowed to get a haircut.
Don’t worry guys! It’s not her fault! It’s the BUSINESS’ fault for opening! San Francisco is literally in Nancy Pelosi’s district. How did she not know that hair salons were still closed?
Doesnt care. Businesses closed perminatly are benifiting her.