What is the hardest retro game that you have beaten legit?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming Retro Gaming Hub What is the hardest retro game that you have beaten legit?

  • This topic has 13 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by SilverAxe13.
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    No modern save states or cheats whatsoever!  What retro games have you beaten 100% fair and square?


    Shadow of the Beast for Sega



      Target Renegade on the Spectrum.


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by TH0R_TD.

      Fatal Rewind was a beast of a game, but the cool thing about it. If you ran out of lives and died, you let the game play and you could take up where you left off. fatal rewind


      From the top of my head… One Must Fall 2097 for DOS.



      Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. Beat it on original hardware for the first time maybe 10 years ago. It’s probably the hardest game I’ve ever beaten in my collection, especially those final few dungeons. It gets brutal hard near the end.


      Farthest I ever got was probably halfway through.  That game can be just brutal.


      It took me years to beat. You just gotta keep grinding through it. The Japanese version is a little easier, because it lets you choose your stats when leveling up. In the American/Western releases, you could only level up what the game had selected for you. It’s called the black sheep in the series for a good reason. Oddly enough, it’s in my top 5 favorite Zelda games mainly for its difficulty.


      Battletoads were defeated by me. Its continuous challenge strained my abilities to their breaking point, yet the pleasure of accomplishment made every difficult moment worthwhile.



      Actraiser 2 on Hard. It didn’t seem that bad back then, but I recently tried replaying it – couldn’t beat a single level anymore without save states. I dunno how I had the patience back then…
      It’s a legitimately great game, though the first one might be even better.

      Honorable mentions:
      WeaponLord on Hardest.
      Super Empire Strikes back on Hardest
      R-Type 1,2,Delta on hard
      Streets of Rage 2 on Mania
      Dune 2
      Ninja Gaiden Black (if that counts as retro)
      Doom 2
      Ghouls and Ghosts on SNES… or rather I beat the first run, and then it forces you to play a second run, and I died

      Greatest fails, games that beat me
      R-Type 3 (the only one in the series I could never beat)
      Final Fantasy 4 and 6 (loved them, but couldnt beat em)
      Super Metroid
      Resident Evil 1,2,3 on PS1 (never even got past the first hour in either)
      Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun and Dawn  (needed save states. Lots)
      Shinobi 2 and 3
      Monkey Island
      Super Mario Kart (couldn’t beat Star Cup on 150)


      Battletoads were defeated by me. Its continuous challenge strained my abilities to their breaking point, yet the pleasure of accomplishment made every difficult moment worthwhile.


      Don’t hate me, but I genuinely can’t remember the first game I beat. There were so many games I played back in the day, it’s tough to remember.


      Probably Megaman or Marioland 2.

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