World War Z

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies World War Z

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    Just like the Transformers forums I posted, I didn’t see a World War Z post so I thought: Ey. If I did a post for Transformers, why not do a post about World War Z. If ya’ll wanna talk about World War Z, this is the post for ya.


    The book was 10,000 times better than that crap movie. I know books are never like the movie, but couldn’t they have at least tried? The only thing similar was the title..and that’s it.

    I was looking forward to: the battle of Yonkers, Lobo, green lasers, the battle in South Africa, zack hunting in the Paris Sewers, Russian solution, NK solution, the counter attack using the British square, nuclear weapons used in India, the blind zombie hunter in Japan, the castle defense in Europe and about 100 things I didn’t post.

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