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A poll was done by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany among Americans in all 50 states, ages 18-39, asking them numerous questions about their knowledge of the Holocaust. What was found was that nearly 2/3 of the people didn’t know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Nearly 1/2 of them couldn’t name a single concentration camp or ghetto. Almost 1/4 either don’t believe in the Holocaust, believe that it was exaggerated, or don’t know. About 12% hadn’t heard about the Holocaust or weren’t sure if they had. 20% of people in New York believe that the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust, which is larger than the national average of 11%. About half of the people polled had seen Holocaust denial on social media and 30% had seen Nazi symbols on social media and/or their community.
Our education system is completely broken. Though I learned about the Holocaust in school (like a lot), it seems tons of people have not. And this isn’t the first study to show broken the American school system is. Apparently 37% of Americans can’t name any of the rights in the 1st Amendment. 20% can’t name a single branch of U.S. Government. Seriously! What are teaching kids?!
You really believe that the holy number “6” like the six point star of David is the number of Jews killed in WWII when that’s the total number of Jews who lived in Europe with the exception of Russia? Right after WWII the number was believed to be no more than 200,000. Of course the Soviets and their propaganda blew up the number exponentially to make it look like their soldiers were bigger heroes for liberating the people of Poland and other countries whom they raped and murdered themselves in large numbers. All of the NAZI camps put together didn’t have the capacity for that many people even over a six year period.
Seriously! What are teaching kids?!
Absolutely nothing. Other than this; Guberment is good .k. You are a victim and the only people who can fix it are the Guberment. k. Republicans are EVIL and the Demonrats will protect you. k.
There are states where not one graduating class can read above a 4th grade level and can not do basic math like balancing a checkbook.
In other word the Department of Indoctronation needs to be ended and real historical fact needs to be brought into the classroom.
Wilhelm Höttl, a member of the Nazi Party, testified at the Nuremberg Trials and the trial of Adolf Eichmann that he had a meeting with him in Budapest in 1944 (before World War II ended): “Eichmann … told me that, according to his information, some 6,000,000 (six million) Jews had perished until then – 4,000,000 (four million) in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 (two million) through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.”
I thought they were teaching the youth to HATE their nation, HATE law, demand more handouts (free stuff), etc.
Growing up in the 90s, you couldn’t cover WWII in History class without a big discussion about the Holocaust.
Admittedly, the number of Jews killed didn’t stick in my head very well (death statistics can kind of blend together after a while), but come on? Doesn’t believe in the Holocaust? Believe the Jews were behind it? I’m thankful that the little ones in my family are generally getting a good education.
I’m a little disturbed that some of these claims are coming from people older then me. OP says the test sample came from people as old as 39 when I’m 29.
Because younger generations know better what happened in the past than do older generations…
They taught us the Holocaust every single year. Every. Single. Year. I can almost quote the Holocaust section of my history textbook by heart
>They taught us the Holocaust every single year. Every. Single. Year. I can almost quote the Holocaust section of my history textbook by heart
The same people who taught you American exceptionalism and about Jesus Christ taught you this between those other lessons?
Wait till the kids find out what communist have done…