NYT suggests Trump to be removed from Ballot

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  • #192977

      And the MSM is not the enemy of the people huh?  Give me a break.  Every single person must dig down deep and fundamentally ask themselves why is there so much hate for a President who has fundamentally:  A) Looked out for the American people and B) Literally kept more campaign promises than the last 4 Presidents combined.

      The agenda they have for us must be very very very bad.




      This is pure BS.

      There have been other articles that this late into the election process, most if not ALL of the ballots have already been printed, and that there is no way new ballots for all of the country can be made with a replacement canidate, be it a democrat or a republican, who has to withdrawal, is incompassidated, or dies.


      This is just the unbiased (extremely BIASED) times doing once again their best propaganda against a free democratic republic.


      Even if Trump were to be incapacitated or (God forbid) dies, wouldn’t Pence take over on the ballot?


      The NYSlimes is nothing but Propaganda for the communist left.

      Its pretty clear that the President and the infected Senators came into contact with the bioweapon at the ‘debate’ Tuesday night. The commies know they cant win so they are just going for the kill.


      There have been numerous elections where a dead candidate ran, and won, so just because someone is sick shouldn’t disqualify them from running in the middle of an election according to that precedent.


      As I said before, if they did this our POTUS & other high ranking Republicans, what’s going to stop them from doing this to the rest of us?


      I was waiting for the moment when certain people on this forum start to point fingers on the democrats for Trump’s covid case too. And I sure didn’t get disappointed. Lovely.


      Correction, those fingers are being pointed at the Chicoms who are working with the demonrats.  There fixed it for you.


        The reality is that the Democrats could very well have had a hand in COVID.  I put nothing past anyone in this world.  Absolutely, nothing.  Here is why I say this:

        -Fox reported that the virus came from a Chinese lab.
        -Taiwan stated this was a bio-weapon then was kicked out of the WHO the next week
        -A letter was sent to the President/Homeland about it being a bio-weapon
        -Harvard scientists get arrested for setting up labs in Wuhan.
        -Two Chinese “Students” working as research assistants were arrested for biological espionage,
        -One of whom was a lieutenant in the Chinese Army
        -The other captured trying to catch a flight to China while smuggling 21 vials of “Sensitive Biological Samples” according to the FBI.
        -Six weeks later there were arrests at the University of Texas

        -Obama and Biden, in 2015, funded a lab in Wuhan with $3.7mil to “study” bats and coronavirus
        -Then there is a link to a North Carolina lab in 2014 -15
        -Fauci is directly connected to this lab
        -Then Fauci “predicted” in 2017 we would have a Pandemic during the election.
        -ID2020 program launched last September
        -Bill Gates Event 201 Program launched last October
        -The virus conveniently hits after a failed impeachment.
        -Democrats spread it in Chinatown and NYC to hasten the national exposure.
        -They further spread it during the riots over fake racism.
        -Additionally, the MSM has aided and abetted this attack on America.

        Make no mistake.  I can easily carve out a path implicating the Democrat Party.  Easily.


          Also, regarding my post about Democrats.  Remember, the axiom — means, motive, and opportunity?

          Democrats have all three of them in spades.


          Yes this is a boiweapon.

          Yes Ofucktard paid for it.

          ‘Dr Fucki’ is the bagman who delivered the samples and the cash to the Chicom lab.

          And finally ‘Dr fucki’ who has held his office since the 80s told the world that this would happen in 2017. That little sack of shit needs to be tried for treason.


          Strange how only the republicans got “positive” test results, and a few “reporters”.

          Is the virus that selective?


          And I heard kamala will have a 12 foot sphere around her in her debate.


          They are going to try to get Pence infected at the VP debate. They know they can win w/o rigging it.


          The Fauci predidction in 2017 is retarded. As I said in another thread, every president in the 2000’s (maybe even for longer, I’m too lazy to check) have had to deal with at least one pandemic or epidemic. And Fauci predicted Trump is also going to have to face one. They come and go, you don’t have to be a genius to be able to predict that.

          Check this out: I will now state that whoever is/are the president(s) during the following 15 years is going to face a pandemic or epidemic. When that happens, feel free to accuse me of causing it or whatever you weirdos want.


          But Trump’s adviser was the first one to get it. Then Trump got it, and the it spread to his close ones. Could that be why it’s only republicans? You know, Trump’s republican advisers etc hang out with each other and not with Biden and other democrats?

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