Mulan Review

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Mulan Review

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    I recently started a Youtube channel called Yeticast, where I make snarky reviews of movies and TV, plus more. I’m trying to get it off the ground and I think the Geeks and Gamers forum will enjoy my videos, so please check it out if you want to see my Mulan review:

    What did you guys think of the movie?

    *I couldn’t find any rules about sharing links to my channel, but if this is against the rules, please let me know.


    Good review!

    I love the animated  Mulan (and the 2009 live action version from China). The original legend and its various evolutions throughout Chinese history has always intrigued me. I was open to a wuxia-esque style Mulan so as long as they kept to the spirit of what the animated version brought us. I liked Mulan because she was plucky, street smart, had to work her butt off, and most of all, the father / daughter relation themes really hit home.

    Even with controversy, I wanted to at least see this to make my judgements. It was worse than I thought. She’s way too perfect and can do no wrong. I’m not a huge fan of female characters who can do no wrong; they’re not relatable and there’s no true journey for them.



    I’m glad you liked my review! I had a lot of fun making that one. I’m with you, I can’t stand perfect characters that can do nothing wrong. Perfection is boring and strengths lead to weaknesses. It is unavoidable. Hollywood seems to write women as flawless these days, which makes no sense to me. No one can relate to that type of character. On top of that, the story was an utter mess. The one good thing is it made it easier to come up with jokes.

    I made a Cobra Kai review and I am working on a review for the Boys, which should be out soon. Check those out if you want to see more!


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