Returning TV…should we care?

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    I got knocked out of commission last week with a touch of plague (not COVID, a gut thing with other weird symptoms), which basically left me in bed or lounging a lot unable to or only willing to sit there and watch stuff. When you’ve got pain or discomfort that is draining away your energy to do stuff, you are generally left with little more than the option to watch things endlessly when you aren’t falling asleep.

    This particular bout of sickie happened to correspond with thoughts I’ve been having on entertainment in general, since in this COVID era of show production we are finally starting to see shows we used to watch with regularity prior to COVID begin airing their new seasons. As I knew these shows were about to start returning, I’d been having an internal dialogue with myself over several issues and concerns considering not so much related to COVID, but to the culture war that has literally consumed our entire world.

    Personal Disclaimer before I continue and possibly rant: I am a classic marathon watcher. I say marathon, because that was what it was called before the normies started to call it “binge watching” over the past few years. I was doing that shit long before it became “hip” and “cool”, because as an anime guy, I like watching arcs and stories in full without breaks. I’m sorry to some more traditional watchers perhaps reading this, but you can take your “I like weekly tension build up” and shove it up the corn pipe. I hate the cut off…I want resolution when I finish a watch sessions.

    So, as the new seasons begin to tick forward, and the episodes begin to stack up, I ask myself this question…

    Do I even want to watch these anymore?

    Do I care anymore?

    Why don’t I possibly care?

    Because I am struck with fear that the WOKE and LEFTISM will have fully infected shows that were not infected before they shutdown for COVID reasons earlier this year. If a show is not taking place in a world of fantasy or alternate reality, I have a distinct feeling that wokeness that previously would not have been there will now be there because the leftist writers and show runners have lost their damn minds and don’t care anymore. Now, that doesn’t mean a fantasy/sci-fi show can’t be infected by the woke, but what I’m talking about is real world shows shoving real world leftist bullshit in our faces…SJW bullshit.

    That is what I am thinking as I look at these episodes stack up. Do I even want to bother getting involved, because let’s be honest…I’ve moved on.

    In this COVID world of entertainment, I’ve found other ways to entertain myself.

    The joy of YouTube live streams with my favorite YouTubers…if I have a choice these days I will ALWAYS choose a video or live stream over classic TV, now. Why? Because it’s always fresh and entertaining. Friday Night Tights is my part of my Friday entertainment routine, now. I’ll watch it for a while, then go back Saturday morning to finish it.

    I love my PHYSICAL MEDIA COLLECTION!!! I’ve worked for years to grow it, and I’ve grown it more this year than ever before proportionally, because as long as I have my movies and shows on my shelf, I will always have something good to watch that cannot be taken away from me.

    Which leads me to say that I have gone back to watching old series (live action and anime) in this time, and I am totally enjoying all the old good stuff…well…for the most part. I’m in the middle of a Babylon 5 rewatch for the first time in over a decade…and honestly…it’s not holding up well in terms of quality for me. All my old annoyances are still there, and new things are starting to bother me….unlike when I watch Farscape I fall in love all over again each time.

    The sole new thing that so far continues to not disappoint, is anime…because for the most part Japan gives the WOKE the middle finger. Creatives are gonna create. So, as of right now for the foreseeable future, anime will give me new content and will always have loads of old content to entertain me. At this moment, I’m rewatching Kimetsu no Yaiba in preparation to see the recent movie as soon as I get the chance, and my goodness, I forgot how much I loved this show. This is a show that gets it right on all levels of character and story development. Tanjiro is perhaps one of my favorite protagonists right now, because the guy EARNED EVERYTHING!!!!

    But I digress and tangent….

    Bottom line is that I find myself not missing shows I usually looked forward to watching this time of year back in normal non COVID and woke times. Will I watch things? Yeah….I’ll break down at some point and start watching episodes, but I’m ready to walk away the moment the woke SJW is too much.

    You see, I have what I call the Cold Turkey Gene. I can walk away and stop doing just about anything at the drop of a hat without looking back.

    In the end, I’ve found other things to watch and fill my watch times….not to mention I do have other hobbies that fill up the hours of my life. I think I am not alone in all of this. I think we as a whole have moved on and found new media to entertain us in addition to doubling down on watching things that were already good.



    I’m done.


    As one who had “cut the cable” over  decade ago, I do not miss “modern TV”.

    Most shows I will watch/own on DVD.

    Be it Star Trek, ST:TNG, MASH, Babylon 5, Space 1999, Dukes of Hazzard, Get Smart, Sgt.Bilko, LEXX, Red Drawf, Orville, Flintstones, Simpsons, Andromeda, Farscape, Gilligan’s Island, just to name a few.


    Then there are the movies.

    And yes, everyone needs to buy physical media, as then you OWN that copy, to watch when, where and how often I want without censorship.

    On-line is a temporary license with edits and censorship.

    I strongly dislike the pay-to-view model.  I will wait till I can buy it physically.


    Pre-covid, the only shows I would watch (as I could on-line without pay-per-view) was The Blacklist, The Orville.

    I have not watch The Blacklist, as their release schedule was so horrible, and I missed so many episodes, I gave up on the show.

    The Orville, moving to a new network I can’t watch, does not help either.


    There has been several shows I would have liked to watch/buy physical copies of, but they are not offered.

    Avenue 5 – streaming only.

    The Tick – amazon streaming only.




      but you can take your “I like weekly tension build up” and shove it up the corn pipe. I hate the cut off…I want resolution when I finish a watch sessions.

      Even worse than that, end of season cliffhangers that you have to wait months to find out what happens in the next season  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

      I don’t think i’ve really watched/followed normal TV since high school, the few new shows i like come out on streaming

      I wish i had a more extensive physical media collection, but that’s not really within my budget right now 💸

      I’ve been re-watching tv shows and cartoons from my childhood, one i’m re-watching now’s Code Lyoko, also watching lot’s of anime, which reminds me, i have to watch the new episode of Digimon Adventure 2020 🤩 weekly tension’s been driving me insane

      Hope you’re feeling better now @Roas

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by DigiCat.

      i’m re-watching now’s Code Lyoko,


      …..I found that thing one of the most offensive shows I ever had the displeasure of attempting to watch. Classic Toonami at its worst :P


      i have to watch the new episode of Digimon Adventure 2020 weekly tension’s been driving me insane


      I only watch new anime in 6 episode bursts, so I always feel satisfied when I’m done. I left off where Angemon went back to egg form, which was a good stop point for me in terms of the story.


      Hope you’re feeling better now @Roas


      Thanks. I’m basically fine, now. Simply trying to rest up. I didn’t eat for something like 3 days at one point, so I’m getting my constitution back. I figure I’ll be 100% by the end of the week.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Roas.

        Glad to hear your better 😸

        …..I found that thing one of the most offensive shows I ever had the displeasure of attempting to watch. Classic Toonami at its worst :P

        Opinion exepted, but that’s one of my favorite childhood cartoons, so now i need to know why?!

        I left off where Angemon went back to egg form

        That was a great episode, i’m on the one after that


        Opinion exepted, but that’s one of my favorite childhood cartoons, so now i need to know why?!


        Okay, it’s been a long time, so…

        1: the digital animation was godawful to me. Being from the same era as Reboot, which pioneered that kind of animation, it is ugly for me to watch.

        2: I was never a fan of kids on the cusp of being teenagers as protagonists. I didn’t like it back then, I don’t like it today for the most part, especially when they start acting semi-romantic like they did in that show. Classic and current reboot of Digimon is probably the only exception to that rule, because those behind it now and then understand they are telling a hero’s journey story, not a CW let’s talk about our feelings in a hallway show.

        3: Which brings me to the story of Code Lyoko…from what I remember…it was a mess. I hate messy story telling. The characters were unappealing in both personality and design, and their jumping in and out of wherever they were going was always odd, not to mention the combat was funky to me.


        I try not to go too far back into the old things from when I was a lad, because I know they don’t hold up. 1980’s Thundercats…it’s terrible…1980’s He-Man…terrible…even my beloved Votron is does not hold up. I keep the best moments of all that stuff safe in my memories, but I know that the entirety of their shows do not hold up well at all anymore today.

        The saddest thing about those three show is that all three of their reboots either were great or started off great. The Thundercats and He-Man reboots that came out on Cartoon Network at the beginning of last decade were FANTASTIC! It had the flavoring of the old school stuff, but they gave it modern style and shine that really moved it to another level. They were so much deeper in terms of story telling and character development. It was great. I was so very sad when stupid CN lost faith in both those shows and pulled the plug, both of them about to get even better. Thundercats ending on a cliffhanger, and He-Man ending right before we were about to get Hordak, which meant She-ra, too.

        And the Netflix Voltron? I’ve already ranted in other threads…started so strong…first three seasons were fantastic…then the woke agenda started creeping in and it was ruined. The story fell apart as did the characters.

        ugh….this made me sad…


          I used to watch reruns of the original He-Man and She-Ra as a kid 😸

          Yes, Code Lyoko 3D animation and fight scenes were a little off, especially the first season, but that does get better over time

          As for story telling, it’s no where near the top of my list, especially earlier episodes/seasons, but it got it’s point across imo, i prefer the later episodes which get more into character developement, and yes, the semi-romantic scenes are cheesy as hell 😁

          The characters were unappealing in both personality and design

          The character design’s not my favorite, but i don’t hate it either

          As for their personalities, i also found some of them “unappealing”, as in, i thought some of them were a bit of an ass, but there are a couple of characters i really like and could relate to a bit

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