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From the aftermath of Joker War, we get a comic that explains some the back story to punchline, at least in her words on a podcast in the comic book.
She is on trial for her role in the Joker War.
And as no surprise, she wants to be treated as a victim, and not as a welling participant.
Personally, I am sick and tired of this “victimhood” mentality.
And how while she was attending school, she decided she wanted to follow and understand the whole Joker “jokes”.
And how she wanted to:
…now we needed to tear down the system we had so we could build something new.
Gess, where have I heard that BS line before?
Is this a parallel of real life?
(But in comic superhero/villain form).
For anyone lese who has read this issue, what was your first impression of it?
Havent read what you’re talking about, but The Great Reset has been a big talking point lately and comes to mind. It’s just normalization so an globalist agenda. Good catch
This is why the “Go Woke, Go Broke” is a cancer.
What should have been a great story instead turned into another preach moment.
This great reset will mean the end of the medium as we know it.
We already saw how the purchasing customers/fans hated The New 52, and they had to return back to what was, in Rebirth.
This 5G/Future State is going to be 100% worse.
I don’t think most long time fans will even bother getting that woke trash beyond maybe one of two – see how horrible it is, and say enough is enough. Give us back the characters we want or we will not be giving you our money.
It should be as simple as that.