Warner Bros Kills U.S. Movie Going Experience…do I care? Do you care?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Warner Bros Kills U.S. Movie Going Experience…do I care? Do you care?

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    By now we’ve all heard about Warner Bros sticking the final knife into the chest of U.S. movie theaters. In the unprecedented move of putting all their 2021 movies onto HBO Max, why would anyone bother going to a theater again, COVID not withstanding.

    So what do I think?

    You can’t see me, but I’m shrugging, because I don’t give the two shits I haven’t given for years. I’ve said it before in other discussions that have touched on this, so I’m gonna say it again.

    Going to the movies has not been worth it for years. Why?

    1) The movies have sucked. Seriously, tell me what is worth actually going to see anymore?

    2) The theaters themselves suck the biggest balls. When I say this, I’m talking pre-COVID. It’s too expensive for the garbage they are putting on the screen. You can’t really sit wherever you want, anymore. All because of online reservations the rest of us who always just walked in for the decades and sat wherever we wanted have to bend over because some jackhole wanted to choose a seat a week before they even go to the movie. I was in a theater that was empty save for a few souls, so I decided to “move” over a seat or two to my left…well…some dude and his wife walked in ten minutes after the movie started and said I was in his seat…fucking unbelievable.

    3) I guess I’m the outlier, but the so called “movie going experience” isn’t and has never been to me an experience. When I was a kid, my mom used to sneak McDonalds into the movies for me in her purse on Fridays after school, and that was the most fun part eating my nuggets or burger and fries instead of the theater crap. Back then the movie was kinda the second thing…getting away with sneaking in outside food was more fun. And I’m no sound or picture snob, so something at home sounds and looks just as good to me as it does in the theater…and I can get up to pee and get food without missing anything.

    So, I know my opinions are not the common kind. Many reading this and talking passionately about this topic are sincerely down heartened, while I’m being an uncaring callous dick about it. I’m good with that, because I think deep down inside such people were living a lie about going to the movies for years, and now they are being forced to face reality and join me at my level of disinterest….and even disdain, because thanks to Hollywoke I’ve reached disdain for entertainment as it exists now.

    So, the floor is open.

    Am I wrong? Am I just being a grumpy curmudgeon?

    Do you agree with me? Am I right and are we better off with this coming change in how we view entertainment?

    I have other thoughts, but I wait to see if they fit with other comments, because I know I feel differently about TV and movies coming out on stream in total seasons rather than weekly, and I know that kinda translates to how movies will come out, now.

    Okay. I’m done.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Roas.
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