Visual Effect ( Luke )

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Visual Effect ( Luke )

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    There is a lot of talk about people wanting Sebastian Stan but to be honest I would rather much have a deep-fake with Mark Hammil voicing the character. I know most people will argue that we are not at a good point in CGI or deep-fake tech but lets be honest.

    As my first point I will use the deep fakes that have been done by people in their homes with no budget whatsoever. They look pretty good even much better than the CGI.
    Second point while I can agree that the CGI is still missing something since I’ve been getting into CG modeling I can actually say that most people that are of the profession aren’t artist persay and mostly rely on what the software allows them. Which you can also tell when comparing one modeler with the next. Modelers that have an artist oomph for lack of a better term can make better models than another. That said I think Disney would be wise to higher people that have a focus on hyper realism both as artists and modelers or to help modelers.

    3rd point to back my 1st and second. It can be done. My brother showed me some porn deepfakers that actually have been doing a better job than the youtubers. So budget does help.

    4th point how people got into the whole Sabastian train was due to a photoshoped picture which in essence is what deepfake is. In conclusion it can be done well it’s just a matter of Disney hiring the right people. It’s all about going back to how the original Starwars was made, which is through innovation and imagination.

    Anyways I was fine with seeing Luke even in CGI rather than a ” look ” alike pun intended.


    If they are doing a spin-off series with Luke and Groku, then having an actor would be for the best.

    We already had a replaced Emperor Palpatine (from the original ESB), and James Bond/Batman franchises have done it many times.



    The makeup for Ol’ Palps in ESB was a rubber mask on a monkey. Some things deserve to be forgoten.

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