Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Anime › #IStandWithVic 2 years latter
Anyone familiar with anime and twitter toxicity already knows the story. At the hight of me too unproven accusations were made against acclaimed anime voice actor Vic Mingona. Those alligations were latter highly discredited but by then the damaged had been done and he lost the support of his frieneds and the companies that had worked with him for two decades. All the big YouTubers that cover these topics were covering this story and Rekita law would constantly have Vics defamation lawyer on stream. Now though… after he lost appeals… news is completly dry and according to Behind the he hasn’t gotten any new roles since the firing. They even took his voice out of remastered version of an old game and his was the only voice redubbed. A Character he played in One Punch Man was recasted for the video game adaptation. I just wish more could have been done.
I was wondering what was going on with this case… apparently nothing has changed
I already said my thoughts on this when i first found out about it, so i won’t retype a whole post basicly repeating the same thing, i’ll link the thread in which i talked about this if you want to read it (post got a bit mixed up after the thread page update)
I will add though, i find it sickening that Vic lost his job, while the people who accused him are perfectly fine after shit like this comes out of their mouths, disgusting
The video that i found out about the leaks from:
@DigiCat one of your vids is BLOCKED (age restricted)… I can easily view it in another tab thou.
The whole thing is… unfortunate, to put it lightly. FUNimation had its problems before but how they, as a company, handled the Vic case was the final nail in the coffin for me.
I think on the upside Vic will largely be fine; he’s talented in other fields of work and he’s lucky to have so many supportive fans (other men have been through similar situations and haven’t come out of it okay: False accusations of sexual misconduct can destroy a man’s life). What’s a shame is that his voice acting career is basically over: Even if they aren’t woke, other studios are unlikely to hire him for fear of reprisal.
Something like this had sadly been building for a while: For years there were weirdo’s at conventions trying to get Vic to reveal certain political positions and tumblr was full of unverified stories of Vic being a sexual predator (which honestly read like a teenage girls idea of what they think a sex pest is like). Then when Trump gained prominence in recent years, several actors at FUNi went full TDS, but Vic just kept whatever thoughts he had to himself. I think he basically understood that as a public figure he was around to entertain people, not use his position to give protracted political lectures that no-one appreciates.
Dude is a Christian and the Left hates Christianity, so I wonder if that’s why he became a target, regardless of whether he’s a liberal, conservative or even apolitical. But he’s based. One heckler tried to get him to admit to being against gay marriage. Vic gave the perfect response:
I’m heading towards the end of my semi-annual FMA: Brotherhood rewatch, and as always I enjoy every second of Vic as Edward Elric.
I know it doesn’t do anything to help him in the here and now, but there is nothing the SJWs can do to take away that enjoyment. I own the physical media, which means they can’t take Vic’s outstanding performance away from me…ever.
Gotta give credit to Viz Media/Studiopolis for at least letting Vic finish his lines for Rohan Kishibe while the whole thing was still on-going, though.
This is why I only watch dubs. I will not support the VA dub community and Western publishing companies until they stop with the nonsense.
@FallenOmgaStar Any word on Prince Adventures? The compony said Vic would be a key character. Is that ever happening? And your absolutely right the problem isn’t the studios are woke, its that the studios are afraid of the media and Twitter. They don’t want to deal with the negativity. As for the TDS celebs they are going to have to reconcile that many of there fans supported Donald Trump and that the things they wrote on Twitter about him many took as insults at anyone who agreed with Trump on whatever issue. That’s the the thing that’s I find so stupid about this blind political hatred, its like these actor types expect everyone to want the same things when that’s never how politics or democracy works. Its why I don’t look at VA twitter accounts anymore. I was a very big brony and my username reflex that even though I mostly movied. Tara Strong became more interested in politics and being nasty to Melenia Trump I got sick of her. That’s why I don’t watch that Critical Role show because I know alot of those VAs have to act woke on Twitter in order to keep a show like that going. That and I much rather be playing D&D then watching other people play. Anyways, its alot easier for me to watch Matt Mercer as Jotoro Kujo then Tara Strong in MLP, Final Fantasy X, or Harly Quinn. She used to be my freaking favorite and now I just think she is a vile human being because of how vindictive and over the top she is about woke.
@Dash_Attack Haven’t heard of Prince Adventures and doing a quick search on it I can’t say I’m really interested. It seems to be some kind of web original series, unless I’m mistaken? It doesn’t seem to be very big budget, so fewer people are going to care. They can probably keep Vic on without too much of a fuss.
Matt Mercer is pretty chill. Not really kept up with whatever he’s saying recently, but I argued a little with him once on twitter years ago and he was nothing but polite and civil. At least he respects other people’s opinions.
When it comes to actors like Tara Strong I largely blame the MSM. A lot of people are sadly impressionable and take “journalists” at face value and end up believing half the country is stupid and evil. But now that Trump isn’t the president anymore the media doesn’t have him as their “bad guy” to fall back on and who knows what that could mean for the future. Perhaps most of their narratives will start to collapse; one can hope.