Live Action Gundam got a director

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    Live Action Gundam just got a Director and it is Jordan Vogt-Roberts. And to tell you the truth, I’m still concerned and I don’t know if I can trust Jordan-Vogt Roberts nor believe if he’s excited for it nor believe if he’s a fan of Gundam. Plus, who do you guys think will star in Gundam? Will they be a good fit for Live-Action Gundam? Will there be good fits for Live-Action Gundam?

    Live-Action Gundam Film Lands Director, Will Stream On Netflix

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by VinzingerG.

    If they start tokenizing characters into Blacks, Browns, Asians, Whites, whatever. I don’t mind white people and asians playing anime characters at live action no matter if they’re white or asian since for “I don’t mind people playing anime characters” part most anime character look white and as for “I don’t mind Asians playing anime character” well we all know where anime comes from. But as for Browns and Blacks playing anime characters at live action, if the anime character is Black or Brown, I’ll accept. If the anime character happens to be Asian or White, I won’t accept Blacks or Browns playing anime characters at live action. But, I’ll accept Blacks, Browns, Whites, and Asians play anime characters that asian, white, black, and brown at voice acting.


    I would rather have more Gundam Anime than a Live Action Gundam adaptation although it’s Sunrise’s plan. I hope Sunrise puts everyone in a tighter leash although I can’t have high hopes for Sunrise. Same would be said about myself not trusting sunrise. But still, Sunrise better put everyone on a tighter leash.


    If they tokenize Char into a black or brown person, I would rather have Chris Evans or Chris Pines or Chris Hemsworth or Zane Holtz or Charlie Dunham or Sam Claflin or Matthew Goode or Jake Abel as Char Aznable. Although I can see Matthew Goode as Garma Zabi, Bright Noa, or M’Quve which a joke by the way. Same goes my char preferences although they weren’t before. But now I’m using them as jokes. But as for a Black Guy or a Brown Guy or Tom Hiddleston or Christian Bale as Char, hell no. Although I can see Tom Hiddleston as Garma or M’Quve which is a joke as well as see Christian Bale as Gihren or Paptamus Scirocco which a joke. But as for Char, Amuro, Fraw, Sayla, and the others. Well I can accept a Brown Person as Lalah as long as she’s from India since Lalah is from India. As well as accept a Brown Person playing Ryu Jose since Ryu is Brown. But as for everyone else. This is what I would rather have these although the preferences will be jokes away. But they weren’t before, but they will be jokes.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by VinzingerG.

    I am cautiously optimistic about many things but at this point…I’m not holding my breath any longer.  Any second of tokenization…just cut off immediately. I’m not jerking around. I’m deadly deadly serious. One second or more of tokenization…get the hell out of Dodge. Close your wallet and quit.  However…EVEN IF they don’t…one shred of NPC nonsense is all it will take. Japan has done an OK job, but had it not been for some people on Twitter to combat the NPC menace day in and day out…I am not sure if they would have gotten the message.  Boycotting is one thing, steadily cutting off the money is a bigger step though. I am a Gundam fan, albeit an average one, but with the way the Wokestream media has devolved…I don’t expect much.

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