Funimation gets their Woke Rewards (LOL)

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  • #225814

      From YellowFlash

      All I have to say is


      Fu fu fu, Bwa ha ha


      Doesn’t matter how woke you are – The ideology itself inevitably means you’ll get eaten sooner or later.

      There is one good point they have, though, in regards to casting. The dubbing anime industry is no less corrupt and centralized than that of Hollywood. Why do you think we often get the same actors over and over voicing several characters across so many different series? I hear rumors it’s very difficult for any new, aspiring talent to break into it because fuckers like those at FUNimation gatekeep them out. I’m only speculating here but you probably have to prove you’re “loyal” and “in the club” to get anywhere (maybe that’s why they took the first opportunity to get rid of Vic when they did – He wasn’t “with them” so they cast him out).


      Subs all the way.

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