SJWs and Lord Of The Rings

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      We shouldn’t sanitize stories or their authors. We shouldn’t sanctify that which was harmful. Tolkien was a rich/upper middle class, cishet, white catholic man in 20th century england. He was racist as shit. He was probably homophobic. He deliberately based orcs on “Mongols”

      That Star Wars Girl’s video is full of idiotic tweets like this, but this idiot in particcular caught my attention

      Wasn’t Tolkien an orphan? I’m gonna assume he had a pretty hard life, aside from there being the possibility that he didn’t end up with people who cared or had his best interest at heard, even if he ended up with the nicest person in the world, loosing your parent’s as a kid is fucking traumatic! But i’m assuming that’s a privilege in the eyes of SJWs


      Without proof, and unable to defend himself, the SJW’s naturally go to name calling, and make everything about race.

      So where are the twitter “fact checkers”?

      Why are they allowing such obvious HATE SPEECH on their platforms?

      Of course, we all know the answer to that.

      And as much as I enjoy Anna’s videos, the need to use profanity so much…


      I am so glad that the zenith of the franchise has been done long before the woketivists hacked it and there’s nothing these Marxist asshats can do to change that. and everyone involved with it turning to trash can go to Hell for all I care.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Captain_Cronos. Reason: I went off topic with the first sentence

        @Legatus_Legionis profanity is fucking perfect. It can be fucking used as a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, every word in a sentence or an entire sentence. It’s fucking perfection.

        These twitter ass hats aren’t worthy of politeness. Aggressor sets the rules. In this game, being the “bigger man” has not, does not and will not solve anything. It’s too late for that. That part comes later.

        Can’t wait for FNT tonight, see what Nerdrotic has to say. At his rate, he won’t post a video on this until sometime in July.


        Used once or twice to highlight how angry you are, I understand.

        But where it is as often as in this video, I think is too much without people wanted to turn off of the message Anna is trying to get across, IMO.


          I am so glad I have not been spoiled by ANY of the videos yet… Waiting for FNT tonight and the G&G Discord discussions on it…. If the opener is anything like last weeks only geared at LOTR it should be epic…


          Tolkien was born towards the end of the 19th century, and any views he may have held on race would not have been considered outside the norm during that time period (scientific “racism”, i.e. acknowledging the differences between the races and seeing a correlation between ethnicity and culture, and that the values of a country are produced by the demographic majority of the population within that country. This is the opposite of the more liberal colour-blind view that is more commonly held in the present day). It should be noted, however, he did not think very highly of Hitler’s views on Aryan supremacy, either, once referring to the dictator as a “ruddy little ignoramus.”

          So, no, Tolkien did not hate anyone on the basis of their race. An important distinction.

          Of course, SJW’s don’t care about that. To them, everything from the past is sinful and must be subverted and/or destroyed. They were bound to come after Tolkien sooner or later. He’s a pioneer among British authors who set out to create his own mythology that would have profound impact on literature worldwide. It all needs to be discarded and thrown away, because lord forbid future generations might be inspired to rebel against them if they start reading the past and get ideas from it.

          Tolkien was a devout Catholic and all of his ideas of good versus evil were poured into his work, where many of his heroes express true virtue: Diligence, humility, mercy and courage. SJWs aren’t capable of understanding that because they confuse their own feelings with virtue. They’re not capable of self-reflection. “I’m perfect as I am. I don’t need to change. It’s the world that needs to change.”


          Screenshot 2021-06-04 at 20-33-17 Lord of the Rings Needs to Work For a 'Giant, Global Audience' Says Amazon Studios Chief [...]

          Yeah, this Amazon series is going to be hot garbage.

          Just watch Peter Jackson’s film trilogy again, everyone: They’re perfect as they are.


          What are the parameters for a Global audience? What are the metrics and analytics for a giant global audience? What movies or shows are they bench-marking? What are the goals?

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by comicsgate.

          TORn To Shreds

          Lady Gravemaster

          TheOneRing dot net, a site that claims to be forged by and for the fans of Tolkien, goes on a tirade, abusing Tolkien fans and making claims about the professor that simply aren’t true. They’re too ashamed to openly love and appreciate the lore and the man who created it because they are allowing lies being shouted about the Professor to drown out the truth. So, pandering it is.

          Thank you so much for stopping by. Please consider liking, sharing & leaving a comment on the vid and if you’re in a very gracious mood, that subscribe button is the red one ;)

          I appreciate you all!


          I am glad Lady Gravemaster got the time to put together that vid.

          Her channel needs the odd new vid every now and then.


          “Tolkien was woke.”


          sjws will come for every movie we, normal people, enjoyed watching. they don’t want to create anything (they don’t have the skills), they just want to mess it up, to piss us off.


            Listened to FNT, Kinda a waste tonight, was hoping for some good talk about it.

            Now watched a few of the other video’s and some Press releases. Man this has problems written all over it is my gut feeling.

            The time its set in would be even more “Male Centrist” So adding Strong Female Characters <sfc> for future use> will just be for agenda purposes, having any people of color would be for agenda as well. Now could there be a SFC? that does not feel agenda driven? Yes to the first but in today’s world NO to the second.

            In a old fashion Hollywood with creative minds and great story tellers this is what I would expect.

            This is set in the “Second Age” a 3500 year span almost, they will have to give some names “normal people” will know so I would be willing to say we get time jumps (year 1 to 500) year 500 to 1000) and then year 1000 to 1600 and final jump from 1600 to 1693 in the Pilot. This sets up Sauron, Elrond and probably Galadriel. This should be a 2-hour Pilot IMO as we will need to have some new characters introduced and I am not sure who they would be. Easily I would say years 1 to 500 would be first 10 minutes, years 500 to 1000 next 20 minutes, 1000 to 1600 next 30 minutes and the last hour getting us to 1693. When the War of Elves and Sauron begin.

            This show is going to have a lot of time jumps which just in itself is going to be confusing to people not familiar with the Lore, Hell just writing this I had to go and brush back up on second age time-line its been years since I looked at it. I kept thinking back to the Meme’s and Jokes about Littlefingers Jet-pack and the Horrible handling of time jumps in GOT. This I fear will be worse! I am trying to think of any show where massive time jumps ever worked without a time machine and cannot think of one.

            I hope I am wrong but this has disaster written all over it. If they want this to be a hit, it needs to be about escapism for the fans, it needs to have a good story and make since with no feeling of a forced character. The time jumps are going to be a problem that has to be addressed that to me would be the first problem 3,500 years is a fucking huge span to cover in a series. I guess they could just start in the 3200’s.

            Oh well its getting late and just seeing so much going wrong before it gets going, my faith is not high for it.


            Give it a few years. These corporations will get tired of losing money and come back to reality.

            It’s funny how these companies attack the very fans and people who are the REASON these franchises grew and made the money.

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