What about the American Indians?

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      Everyone seems so interested in every minority at this point.

      What about the American Indians? If anyone got f’d over they did.

      Yet we almost never hear about helping them or preserving their culture. I think they need a lot of help and preservation.

      I find it interesting they get left out when they really do need some help.

      Why don’t they get help? Because they are not a large enough voting block that’s why.


      It also shows the hypocrisy.

      They loved to talk about the treatment of the native indians in Canada, or the muslims on China.

      But don’t look to the us as an example of how it is done.

      It is all about politics and optics.

      Do as we say, not as we do.


        Actually I think it’s all about money and power. Politics is just how those things are gathered and maintained.

        But you are right in that the reality is they don’t really care.

        The Indians are left to rot because they cannot be used.

        And make no mistake about it all they do is use these groups.

        I find transgender folks to be one of the most used and abused groups. Instead of offering them real help or assistance they put them on a false pedestal that enforces their sickness in my opinion. So they burn them just to use them and don’t care at all when the reality is they are probably causing lifelong harm.


        You occasionally hear about it from time to time; after all, the left-wing narrative about America’s founding is that the Indian tribes were all gathering around campfires and singing kumbaya until evil whitey showed up and genocided them – When the truth isn’t as simple.

        It’s just that there’s currently no real political currency to be gained from “paying reparations” towards Native Americans, neither is it part of the globalist endgame. Which is why there is no manufactured, widespread campaign in the guise of uplifting a supposed oppressed minority.





          Indians were no different than the rest of the world at that time. Some were relatively peaceful and some did diabolical stuff to each other. There was conquering, killing, enslaving etc. If that gets shrugged off as the spirit of that age then that should apply to anyone of that time.

          But as things sit now, they DO get screwed over. As I understand it they desperately need actual help and not lip service from politicians.


          @Vknid I apologize if I am gonna sound a bit woke for saying this but I think American Indians are now referred to as Native Americans. They were only called Indians because an explorer made a wrong turn to America instead of India like he wanted to original and saw the Native Americans then misnamed then Indian.

          Also I agree with you that America isn’t talking enough about the Native Americans after all the stuff these people had endured from European Expansion into their lands over the past couple hundred years. Up in Canada Native Canadians are talked about endlessly to no end especially now with the Native school thing that happened.


            I am not sure the origin of the name matters so much, they were called Indians for hundreds of years but we should change that now because ?

            Not to mention, do we know for certain they were the very first Americans (a term also derived from an explorer I guess we should change that too)?

            My point to all that is not to be sassy but to demonstrate the name is nearly meaningless so long as we all know who we are talking about.

            But regardless of what we call them their plight continues. And I find it very sad they do not get help because their history is very much part of American history but the world at large seems more interested in injecting their own culture into America. Sure, we have always been the melting pot but we should not cast off the people that were here when we found the place.


            They were called “indians” as the people who were crossing the atlantic ocean was looking for a short cut to asia minor (aka India).

            They thought the natives were indian, so they called them that.


            Hence they have been know as such, even thought they have their own names/terms.


            Also, one reason why you will also hear the terms Native Indians (north america), or Eastern Indians (India).

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