2021 Disc Golf World Championships

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    It’s this week. The tournament is in Ogden, Utah, this year. Five rounds played on two different courses. I’ve seen some practice round footage from the course called The Fort, and it looks tough.

    Several different crews are giving video coverage of the rounds, most probably following one group as they play. This video is the first nine holes of the first round, provided by Gatekeeper Media, and the group they’re filming has some big names. Lizotte was hurt earlier this year, and he’s working his way back into tournament play. Dickerson is one of the top tier players. Tamm could be threat to win, and if nothing else he’s fun to watch. I know nothing about Filimoehala, sorry.

    Gatekeeper Media, Worlds, R1 F9


    Jomez Pro has probably the best disc golf tournament coverage out there, so it’s no surprise they usually follow the leaders in tournaments like this. Wysocki has had probably the best year of any of the pro players. Heimberg’s been consistently among the leaders. Sexton’s an old vet who can win anything. Jones has the game to win, though he’s had what to me seems like a down year so far.


    Jomez Pro, 2021 Disc Golf World Championships | R2F9 LEAD


    Last round, lead card. Heavy hitters going at each other, and I’ll admit the internet has already spoiled for me the heavy hit that highlights this round, but considering the shot, I can’t blame anyone for making a lot of noise about it.

    2021 Disc Golf World Championships | FINALF9 LEAD


    Frisbee Golf is what it is called around my parts. Frisbee golf. There are courses at some living developments. Seems like a good time and good activity.


    It’s fun. I play it some. I don’t play well, I’ll admit that, but I still enjoy going out to field and throwing.

    A bit of a wrap-up for this tournament, Jomboy’s comments on the big finish.

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