Actress could be fired for refusing to work

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Actress could be fired for refusing to work

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    Sharon Stone Says Acting Job Is ‘Being Threatened’ For Refusing To Work Until Cast And Crew Are Vaccinated

    The actress revealed that she has refused to go to work on an upcoming TV series unless the entire cast and crew are vaccinated.

    “I’ve been offered a job — a good job, a job I really want to do in Atlanta,” Stone said, according to Deadline. “That’s why my hair is standing on end…because the Producers Guild of America will not guarantee that everyone on our show is vaccinated before I go to work.”

    So, you signed a contract, and now you are refusing to honour that same contract?

    Stone also claimed that her job on the show is being threatened over her stand on vaccination.

    “Will I go to work before everyone on my show is vaccinated? No. No, I won’t,” she said. “Am I being threatened that I will lose my job? Yes. Yes, I am. Will I lose my job if everyone is not vaccinated on my show? Yes. Yes, I could. Will I stand up for all of us so that every set that we go on is vaccinated? Yes. Yes, I will…

    I call that grounds for you being fired.

    To make unrealistic demands…


    I won’t work with un-vaxed people.

    I won’t work unless they are all alt-left lunatics.

    I won’t work unless they are all woke NPCs.

    I won’t work unless x, y, z, are representative.


    I call that discrimination.  And you, ms.stone are discriminating.


    Second story I’ve seen like this. The other one was Sean Penn. Is there ANY demand at all for these geezers?


      OMG! They’re actually fireing the people who refuse to work and not fireing people who haven’t been vaxed!! Maybe there is hope for humanity after all ✨


        Why does it matter? The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid nor from spreading it.


        It is “virtue signaling”, and just another example of someone trying to force their belief onto others.

        She has to present herself as a “victim”.

        I can’t go to work!  It is unsafe!

        Force everyone to get the jab!

        yadda yadda yadda

        I am so tried of these sickos.

        Sadly, with demented joe wanting to force all federal employees to get the jab…


        Stone should be happy she is even getting work. She was never a good actress, and was only popular because she was hot…  30 years ago.

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