SkyNews, back from suspension and hitting back pretty hard

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube SkyNews, back from suspension and hitting back pretty hard

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  • #235594

      Watch it while you can. I would not be shocked if they get suspended again.


      it’s crazy how so many people support the attack by powerful corporations against freedom of speech. It’s hard to understand, really.



        Because they cannot think past the front of their nose to see where the same thing could happen to them at some point. They just like to “win” by having a dissenting voice silenced without realizing the precedent that is being set. And you have to understand many of these folks are very much “the ends justifies the means”.

        I don’t want anyone banned, agree or disagree. If you want to say something silly or hateful, you go right ahead and reap the consequences of that organically. Everyone has the choice not to listen.





        That wouldn’t surprise me if it was a case of mass flagging. Sky Oz had been posting what to the SJW’s would  be “Anti-Biden vids” before they got suspended. Well, yeah, Biden is a bumbling idiot. I was neutral on Trump but even Trump would’ve been preferable.


        And like they said, so many people in the west HAVE TO turn to Sky News Australia to get “NEWS” of the west without woke biases.

        I find them very refreshing, and their sense of humour is awesome.


        Forgot to post this yesterday when I saw it. No wonder the presenters were laughing LOL!

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