Afghanistan is about to fall.

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    Taliban enter Kabul, await ‘peaceful transfer’ of power

    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Taliban fighters entered Kabul on Sunday and sought the unconditional surrender of the central government, officials said, as Afghans and foreigners alike raced for the exit, signaling the end of a 20-year Western experiment aimed at remaking Afghanistan.

    Twenty years, and the mission to eliminate terrorist organizations (like the Taliban) has been a complete FAILURE!

    Civilians fearing that the Taliban could reimpose the kind of brutal rule that all but eliminated women’s rights rushed to leave the country, lining up at cash machines to withdraw their life savings.

    And the rush by the biden admin to get out only worsened the situation.

    In a stunning rout, the Taliban seized nearly all of Afghanistan in just over a week, despite the billions of dollars spent by the U.S. and NATO over nearly two decades to build up Afghan security forces. Just days earlier, an American military assessment estimated it would be a month before the capital would come under insurgent pressure.

    Is this another fail by the us intel?

    Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told Qatar’s Al-Jazeera English satellite news channel that the insurgents are “awaiting a peaceful transfer of Kabul city.” He declined to offer specifics on any possible negotiations between his forces and the government.

    But when pressed on what kind of agreement the Taliban wanted, Shaheen acknowledged that they were seeking an unconditional surrender by the central government.

    Yay, give us ALL power now, or they will most likely burn EVERYTHING to the ground, and kill everyone in their brutal idiology.

    …there have been reports of revenge killings and other brutal tactics in areas of the country the Taliban have seized in recent days.

    And that is just the begining!

    What I am wondering is, how soon will we hear the Caliphate of Taliban is officially revealed.



    As much as I don’t like the Taliban, it’s not our responsibility to defend the Afghan people (or any other country for that matter). It’s up to them to defend themselves.

    Also Biden pushed back Trump’s initial deadline for withdrawing troops from May 1 to September 11 (because of course he did). So he gave himself MORE time to plan a proper withdrawal and he STILL messed it up.


      First Russia went in to “restore” order and help them.
      Then We went in to do about the same. We set them up for success and to defend themselves.

      Both times as soon as someone left giving them a chance within minutes they reverted back to what they were.

      FUCK THEM, let them do with it as they will. Enough is enough. We have enough problems here at home.


      Saigon 2.0, Kabul falls without a fight, Americans are fleeing

      Similar to the the 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake that rocked Haiti, the Taliban is a force of nature causing tectonic shifts under a crumbling Biden Administration lead by the nose by an incompetent Defense Department that has mismanaged the effort in Afghanistan from day one.

      Regardless of Biden’s half baked prediction. In just nine days the Taliban took control of more than half of Afghanistan’s provinces.

      And as he has done when it comes to the border, the economy, and covid. Biden blamed the Trump Administration. While Trump responded to the mischaracterization. As Biden’s globalist mouthpiece Jen Psaki revealed just how disconnected the Administration is.

      Anyone with any recollection will recall that Trump bombed the Taliban to the negotiating table as the New York Post recounted “After warning Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada that he would “come back and hit you harder than any country has ever been hit” if he welched on the deal, Trump made good on his threat and launched punishing airstrikes the first time the Taliban violated the agreement. Since then, not a single U.S. soldier has died in combat in Afghanistan.”

      Biden, who has always regarded himself as a foreign policy genius is now frantically upping the ante, increasing troops from 3000 to 5000 in order to avoid what could be his Saigon moment. As Embassy staff are evacuated. The Taliban has breached Kabul. Setting up an invasion into the Capital city that could lapse into a bloodbath.

      In 2001, the Taliban abandoned Kabul following the U.S. invasion. At that time, Kabul’s population was half a million. As the U.S. dug its heels into a two decade occupation, Kabul was transformed into a center for a growing urban middle class exponentially skyrocketing into a population of 4.6 million.

      Meanwhile, the Biden’s massive and highly trained Afghan military, has been defeated from one end of country to the other. As Mazar-i-Sharif the Afghan government’s last stronghold has fallen.

      Meanwhile America watches a failing Commander in Chief in the first year of his Presidency mired in globalist directives and foreign policy disasters vacationing at Camp David. When every American knows, whether they want to or not, that a real U.S. President wouldn’t be able to sleep or leave the White House under the unprecedented pressure and intense scrutiny threatening their legacy.




      Well, the (now former) President Ashraf Ghani fled the country earlier today.

      “Today I came across a tough choice,” starts the post, written in Pashto and translated using Google. “I have to face the armed Taliban who want to enter the palace or leave the country where I have dedicated my life to protecting and nurturing it for the last 20 years. If left unchecked, countless patriots would be martyred and the city of Kabul would be devastated, resulting in a major humanitarian catastrophe in the six-million-strong city.”

      As with most of the country, people chose to flee instead of fighting the taliban head on.

      The president went on to assert that the U.S.-backed Afghan government has “300,000 well-equipped” troops. He said they were “as well-equipped as any army in the world.”

      “Against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable,” Biden said.

      But it HAS happened.  The failed state of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is by all accounts, DEAD!

      The Taliban will declare the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the presidential palace in Kabul, a Taliban official announced on Sunday.

      And the breeding grounds for international terrorism is much ALIVE!

      …analysts predicted that history would view the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan as a failure.

      “On Day One, we go in, and the Taliban is in charge. Twenty years later, the Taliban is back in charge,” said Jack Weinstein, a former Pentagon official and expert on international security.

      “I don’t know how you couch that as a victory,” he said.

      A victory for the taliban, and now also a victory for the CCP as…

      Afghanistan has billions of dollars worth of copper, iron, talcum and lithium. In recent days, China has already made in-roads with the Taliban, developing ties that it hopes will bloom into economic cooperation, including in its Belt and Road initiative. Russia and Iran have also met with Taliban leaders to discuss future ties.

      Definitely NOT a victory for biden foreign policy.  (I thought he claimed to be a master foreign policy maker.  Guess NOT.)

      From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban ruled the country … Only a handful of countries recognized the regime, including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkmenistan.

      Now we can see many more countries recognizing this regime, including Russia and the CCP.

      “The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely,” Biden said in July during a news conference, adding that Afghan troops were “as well-equipped as any army in the world.”

      Biden’s decision to put “trust” in the Afghan military by leaving them on their own led to the complete Taliban takeover he previously said was “highly unlikely.”

      No, it is a matter of FACT.  The taliban HAS taken over.  But without leadership, at the first sign of conflict, it will all fall down.  Thanks for reassuring the public and your allies the inevitable was “highly unlikely”.

      “I do not regret my decision,” Biden said last week. “Afghan leaders have to come together.  We lost thousands—lost to death and injury—thousands of American personnel.   They’ve got to fight for themselves, fight for their nation.”

      Well, it is no longer their nation.

      Afghans fearing that the Taliban would reimpose the kind of brutal rule that all but eliminated women’s rights rushed to leave the country, lining up at cash machines to withdraw their life savings, the AP reported.

      Which is what I expect will happen.

      Taliban fighters tried to calm residents of the capital, insisting they wouldn’t enter people’s homes or interfere with businesses. They said they’d offer an “amnesty” to those who worked with the Afghan government or foreign forces.

      “No one’s life, property and dignity will be harmed, and the lives of the citizens of Kabul will not be at risk,” the insurgents said in a statement, according to AP.

      So long as they peacefully give over power to the taliban, no doubt.

      During the five-year reign of the previous Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban imposed a strict interpretation of Sharia law nationwide. These included significant restrictions on women, who were not allowed to leave their homes without a male companion and were required to be fully covered from head to feet when in public.

      So long as you do NOT give them a reason to come after you (and obey all their RULES), you are “no at risk”.

      Disobey…. 💥☠

      Under their harsh interpretation of religious jurisprudence, women and girls were pushed almost completely out of public life and forbidden from employment and schooling. The Taliban imposed sartorial injunctions on both sexes, and mandated such brutal punishment as hand-chopping and execution by stoning — for infractions of their brand of Islamic law. They also banned television and music.

      Be prepared for that too.





      A weak america is bad for everyone. biden & harris make america weak.

      It was a matter of time until something this big would happen… and unfortunately might not be the only serious situation that will happen, if nothing is done.

      What a mess.


      As they so loudly proclaimed to the entire world:

      America is Back, man!

      And just like in every WAR the us has been in, they decided to leave behind LOTS of things.

      Taliban show off US-made war spoils in reclaimed spiritual home

      In footage posted on Taliban social media accounts Saturday, an insurgent is seen walking around a US-made Black Hawk military helicopter, which is in brown-green camouflage with Afghan Air Force markings, purportedly at a Kandahar airport hangar.

      He then walks out and another Black Hawk is seen in the distance on the tarmac.

      As he walks to the side of the hangar, two Russian military helicopters are seen as another person is heard saying “Mashallah” — an Islamic term of praise.

      It was not clear if any of the helicopters were airworthy.

      As if that matters to their propaganda.  It also does not matter they have no one who can pilot or do maintenance on them.

      But their capture is a symbolic boon for the insurgents and an embarrassment for the Western coalition ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the deadline for the American withdrawal.


      Images such as these have emerged from cities across Afghanistan that have fallen to the Taliban, showing insurgents posing with captured weapons and patrolling in vehicles once used by Afghan spies and elite forces.

      Taliban fighters have also seized tactical vehicles, humvees, small arms and ammunition.

      Washington supplied much of that hardware to the Afghan military, to the tune of $88 billion since 2002.

      With US troops all but gone, Taliban fighters are now flush with American-supplied arms and equipment — often left by retreating Afghan forces.

      Just like how the us left all those items when they left after the Gulf War.

      All that is now in “enemy hands”.

      What a way to circumvent selling such things to terrorists when they can be left behind and given to them for free.

      They did it earlier when they left a base before the local commander knew, as the base was being looted before they could secure it.

      I don’t know how much of that is the fault of the administration, the pentagon, or both when it comes to this mess.


      In other article(s) we get his:

      Former President Barack Obama’s ethics chief slammed the Biden administration Sunday for failing to adequately plan evacuations to rescue more of America’s Afghan allies…

      …Walter Shaub, who served as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics between 2013 to 2017.


      Afghanistan is what happens when Biden is able to make his horrible foreign policy reality

      We are watching in real time what happens when a man with a notoriously bad foreign policy record is handed the reins: Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban, U.S. officials are fleeing to evacuate the embassy in Kabul…

      But what more could we have expected from Biden? Throughout his very lengthy political career, he has been wrong on just about every single foreign policy issue. On the Cold War, Iraq, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the killing of Qassem Soleimani, on former President Barack Obama’s drone strategy, and more, Biden has been horribly, horribly wrong. Obama’s former defense secretary even accused the then-vice president of creating a “category five s***storm” on the international stage.

      But back then, Biden’s poor decision-making wasn’t of much consequence because he wasn’t the guy in charge. Well, now he is. And this is the result.

      And not to be left out, I found this:

      “It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy,” Trump wrote in a tweemail.

      I wonder how long demented biden can last, before his next “I wiped my butt” embarrassment.

      The US and its international reputation is being tarnished by this admin.  There is no way this senile senior can last for the 2-year mark before having the 25th used on him.


      There is a comparison right now between this and Saigon where I was teaching at, I would talk to Vietnamese about that. I am generally against war. And the tricky part is when you are already in the middle of war. And it can be hard if you were to have some troops return home, that is if you also keep some of the troops there in Afghanistan similar to other events in history. There is a thing that happened in Benghazi in 2012. There is the thing that happened in Vietnam as they were leaving around 1973-1975.

      Star Wars was a good analogy of our world, Palpatine played both sides of the Clone Wars similar to how control freaks who were controlling both sides during the world wars and other wars too.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by joeyarnoldvn.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by joeyarnoldvn.



      US Abandons Afghan Embassy

      the shambolic defeat of the US military in Afghanistan does lend some support for the inexplicable decision to not send troops to defend the southern border against the ongoing invasion of the nation. Perhaps the tranny generals who failed to defend the US capital from roving bands of FBI informants knew that troops would be equally worthless there.

      The Imperial USA has not yet been destroyed, but this marks another step toward its eventual collapse. The nations are rising.

      Only 1.85 million people in a nation of 36 million bothered to vote in the last Afghan election. The Afghans knew they were being ruled by an illegitimate foreign government.

      Just like Americans.



        I think historically this is only done in places to take/protect resources. Sure we do some good while we are there but the stuff in the middle east I do believe initially was about oil. But then it turns into a money machine for those involved. That’s why it went on for so long.

        So doing something like that for probably the wrong reasons will never end well so I am not surprised.

        But honestly, it’s not our job to police the world. Even though the world has grown quite accustomed to it and in many cases relies on it.

        In my mind we should pull out of every place where are not helping allies.


        Military Draft for women not looking too good right about now. Heard that thousands of refugees are going to be forced on red states.

        No, We Really Don’t Care. At All

        No, We Really Don’t Care. At All
        unleashing the sob stories in the aftermath of the complete failure of their Afghan proxies.

        ‘No one cares about us’: Crying Afghan girl shares fears of ‘dying slowly in history’ in viral video as her country is taken over by the Taliban
        Minister’s tears for Afghanistan: Defence Secretary Ben Wallace BREAKS DOWN as he admits ‘some people won’t get back’ but vows to fly hundreds of Afghans out in the next 36 hours
        Heartbreaking scenes of utter desperation as hordes of Afghans try to clamber aboard taxiing US military jets, including three who later fell to their deaths, while five more are killed storming jetways after Taliban take over Kabul
        Too Sad For Words
        This Afghanistan disaster will fuel fresh terror in West
        Reports of BEHEADINGS on the streets of Afghanistan
        This subversive rhetorical appeal to the kinder, gentler, and unthinking aspect of human nature is precisely how the West has been destroyed by those who hate it. It’s time to stop falling for it. Tears and pity are not a rational basis for foreign policy. And how foreign nations elect to comport themselves is no business of Americans as long as their behavior does not directly affect Americans.

        And as always, heed the single most important lesson of history: sink the damn ships.



        This Afghanistan disaster will fuel fresh terror in West

        So more surveyance against you own citizens, more arrests for “suspected” activities, more detentions… a police state.


        Oh wait!  The dems are defunding the police.

        That means law and order will have to be done by the military.

        Welcome to the Occupied States of America.

        Is this where the west (and the us) are heading?


        American troops could have blew up Taliban guys years ago. It is a lie to say it is very hard to kill them. But with that said, it is not our job. But if it was, other countries should pay us and we should just go in and do the job in one week and keep it a secret until the job is done. I wouldn’t do it in the first place but if I did do it, I would not drag out the wars for decades. Each country needs to take care of themselves. But of course countries can come together and help each other out if they want, but they shouldn’t be forced to. Taliban was, according to some, created partly or completely by America and/or globalists, etc. Oh, speaking of that, the only thing worse than radical Islamic terrorism is and are the global cartels, the control freaks, whether they be of the Rothschild persuasion or whether it be weird old fat men like Soros or crazy trillionaire Anthony Cooper or other random folks, some folks who may be hiding behind the shadows.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by joeyarnoldvn.
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