Halo, Is 343 about to make the same mistakes that Disney did with Starwars?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming Xbox Hub Halo, Is 343 about to make the same mistakes that Disney did with Starwars?


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    Hello All I was interested if anyone els has this view [or if Jeremy wanted to cover it]… Halo Infinite was shown off abit more yesterday with Trailer & release date. Now my concern is that another beloved franchise of mine is about to spiral down, not due to graphics/gameplay/level design/company hate, I only say this as they tried really really hard to push FireTeam Osiris in Halo 5 that didn’t work out but it wasn’t to do with race or gender. It was down to positioning the new characters poorly, giving them bad interactions with legends of the franchise (that also weren’t done/introduced well either) this felt weaker as it went on & it’s like nails on a chalk board when I rerun the campaign. The only solid new character was/is BUCK (voiced by Nathon Fillion also did well as Cayde-6 in Desnity2) he wasn’t even the lead, he pointed out the dumb stuff Locke did…. it was a right mess but I think it’s the most polished graphics, game play, maps & mechanics out of all games & I’ve grown up with especially within the franchise since I was 8yo. The story was always phenomenal, I even think the new bad guys (Promethinas) where refreshing & challenging.

    So this trailer shows a scared person (of colour) panting (running) & with a worried look on their face as they try to avoid detection from scary bad guys… sound familiar? Yep those good old 2015 Star Wars Disney vibes with FN2187. I donno I just sit in my seat & think HOLY CRAP arn’t they tried of copy/pasting type casting & pushing agendas? what was wrong with Srgt. Johnston? he was a kick ass character…. he was made 20 years ago & is still kick ass. It never used to ruin a story but it seems to be (since 2014) trying so hard to tick equality/minority/virtual signalling boxes they had no room left for creative story telling?

    In saying all this, it’s out of respect, concern & enjoying this universe the I personally enjoy so god dam much that I want it to kick ass & revitalize the franchise not just to reignite excitement for me but for other generations to get something out of this universe on PC or Xbox.

    Thanks for reading, sorry for any spelling grammar errors & I welcome discussion so feel free to reply … Am I over reacting?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Kristaki. Reason: missing word in title "the
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