Invasion on Apple SUCKS!

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Invasion on Apple SUCKS!

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    Apple needs to get the hell out of entertainment.  Invasion is HORRIBLE.  It is slow and all it does is push SJW bullshit on the audience.  So far we saw:

    • Weak males where the women had to take charge.
    • The gay lesbian astronaut and her lover.
    • The white supremacist group in small town America.
    • The cheated on wife.
    • The crying weak husband.
    • The black woman has to save the white guy.
    • The middle eastern woman implies that her husband is cheating because his lover is white.

    The entire series is complete BULLSHIT.  Don’t watch that POS crap.  My God.  How hard is it to do just a straightforward alien invasion movie and the people fight back.  I do not give a damn about two lesbians and their anxiety.



    Propaganda/agenda over quality entertainment.

    And it is all of Hell-ee-Weird.


    100% agree.  It is like they beat you over the head with it.


    Thanks for mentioning this. Will avoid it. This is why I stopped watched most entertainment years ago. I cut the chord. I can’t relate to the weird role and gender stunts that they pull. It pleases me when I hear corporate loses money. I wouldn’t even both pirating most of what they produce. Sometimes, I attempt to watch something interesting, but as soon as they inject perversion, I dump it and drop it immediately. This is why DC/Marvel, at least in the comics realm, are over for me. Will not watch. Will not read. Thank you for speaking out on this, as I do wonder what is out there these days.


    Is Invasion On Apple TV+ Worth Trying
    John Campea


    For All Mankind, Foundation, Invasion, See…  all garbage.  :/


    I have noticed that Apple TV is nothing but a leftist wet dream.

    It is constantly pushing SJW narratives.  In everything they make.

    Apple is part of the New World Order though.  It is very clear.  They have it in their agenda to subvert the American culture.  They spy on Americans via their phones and now they are moving into full blown subversive propaganda.  Only fools cannot see it.


    Would you be complaining if the cheating couple were portraying terrorists instead? How about the black soldier was a gangbanger instead? Maybe throw in some mexican maids? The japanese scientists a massage parlor worker? LOL..No problem there huh? Crying because not enough white straight males to portrayed to your liking hurts your fragile ego. Lame!

    The show sucks because it is BORING. Everyone acts like mopes. Staring into nothing  and whispering while ominous music plays. Yet nothing ever happens. No damn aliens except for about 1min of action in the first few hours and you barely see anything. The show is as interesting as watching paint dry.

    But complaining about the garbage you are on about…THAT is your issue? Yeah. It IS your issue. But it has nothing to do with the show.


    And it is boring because they just focus on political propaganda instead of creating a quality story. if you can’t make the connection between woke – trash story, that’s your brain problem…you still think it’s just a coincidence, you didn’t watch enough 2015 – 2021 entertainment content. we already passed that level…  most of us here already know what’s going on.


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