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Death of the Justice League – will Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman really die? No … and Yes
Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, John Stewart-Green Lantern, and the other members of the Justice League are going to die in April’s Justice League #75 in a story titled ‘Death of the Justice League.’
All long-term characters.
It now seems their ‘deaths’ will be limited to the pages of Dark Crisis for its seven-month run and tie-in stories and specials (like June’s Dark Crisis: Young Justice) in something of a continuity bubble.
That is because they are still ALIVE in their regular monthly title(s).
So whether they are dead or “lost,” Clark Kent, Diana of Themyscira, billionaire Bruce Wayne, and the rest will be “saved” and/or resurrected and almost certainly return in the final pages of Dark Crisis having never really been absent from their own titles.
So while they are MIA, we will get a bunch of characters we don’t care about.
So there is little to no doubt April’s Justice League #75 and then Dark Crisis will drum up huge sales numbers.
Not so.
Some long term DC comic collectors HATE the Future State/G5/Next Gen characters, and this Dark Crisis is a big PUSH to have those characters over shadow the characters they are to replace.
Well, I am not BUYING it.
I will pick up my Justice League #75 (as it is the last in the series) and CANCEL any future Justice League and tie-in titles.
I will NOT be getting any “Dark Crisis” comics.
I will NOT be getting any “replacement” character comics. (I had already canceled my Aquaman when the run ended-refused to get any Aquamen).
I will NOT buy (at full price) any of the Future State/G5/Next Gen characters regular monthly/limited series titles. Dollar bin maybe and only if they are in mint shape.
Will it drum up huge sales numbers?
Only from speculators who will buy them and hope to flip them in the future for big dollars.
While previous “Crisis” mega-events were made to FIX a problem at the time in the DCEU, this “dark crisis” is a self-made event no one wants/requires. Forcing people to LIKE the crap characters is only going to turn more people off.
I really can’t see the appeal of all these big events any more. They all start to seem like retreads of the same ideas, just dressed a bit differently.
But the problem is, how do they keep interest in the same characters after all these years?
Going outside of comics a bit, I think Star Trek had a good idea when they started TNG. Instead of trying to reassemble or rebuild the original cast, just set the new series far enough in the future that a new cast made sense, because the old cast had moved on and were doing other things. Sure, they could appear every now and again, but they wouldn’t be mainstays.
How would it work for these long-running comics? Well, it kinda worked with Batman Beyond. Bruce was still around, but he was older, and they needed to focus on someone younger to fill the Batman role.
I don’t know if they would do that kind of thing for these comics, though; letting the older heroes retire or get on with their normal lives, and letting newer characters fill those roles. I could see why they’d be reluctant to do that, seeing how popular certain character are after decades, but what they’re doing now just isn’t working. And maybe fans would accept it if older characters are respectfully retired, and they’ll accept the need for newer characters.
One problem is that some characters ARE the alias.
You say Superman and people say Clark Kent.
You say Batman and people say Bruce Wayne.
You say Wonder Woman and people say Diana.
You say Aquaman and people say Arthur Curry.
Yet others the title is transferable.
Green Lantern is a title, whom Hal Gordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, etc all have used.
The Flash is a title, whom Barry Allen, Wally West, etc all have used.
Robin is a title many have used, from Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, etc.
Batgirl is a title many have used, from Barbara Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, etc.
The older titles, we have come to love and know so well, that they don’t fit the agenda/narrative the woke mob wants to push. So they have to get rid of them and introduce characters that have already been shown to be CRAP.
It also does not help that those well loved characters are nearing the end of the IP protection (they are about to become part of the public domain).
They tried in the past to replace/update Batman (with Jean Paul Valley/Azrael) and the fans HATED it.
They tried to have Dick Grayson temporarily fill in for Bruce Wayne, but it did not have the same feel to it.
They tried a Batman Inc, Batwing, The Next Batman, etc, and they have not caught on.
We WANT Bruce Wayne’s Batman, as Batman IS Bruce Wayne.
I recall when the Justice League had Justice League International/Justice League Europe/etc. They did not try to replace the legendary characters of the Justice League of America (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc), but created their own thing. It showed how other super hero teams can work. Fire & Ice, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner, etc. It was fun and silly at times and at times showed a very disfunctional bunch, but on the whole it worked. It was not made to REPLACE the JLA. But everything now is aimed at REPLACING the originals with inferior products.
But this Dark Crisis farce is their way of trying to force us to accept their CRAP G5 characters instead of the much beloved characters that MADE the company the successful IP it has.
Dark Crisis is DOA, IMO.
And what a stupid way to kill the Justice League.
* S P O I L E R *
They were simply blasted out of existence.
They could not move out of the way (they were too old, too slow, what ever).
Such a lame and lazy way to do it.
Well, could have been worse. They could have been Dan and Dave’d