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Ah, the 90s, that dark and dismal time when so many popular songs on the radio helped us realize that it could feel so good to feel so bad.
While I suppose boy bands and solo girl bubblegum pop acts were a big part of the 90s, there was also a large number of emotionally dark and heavy songs and music.
Here’s one example. Share any others you like, if you have any.
I like the 80’s music more than the 90’s even though the 90’s were my young adult years.
However one of my all time favorite songs is from the 90’s. This gets cranked in my car even if I am in the parking lot at Church :P
Completely trivial trivia: I’ve heard that song, but I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention to it, because I thought he was saying “Comfortable”, not “Cumbersome”.
You know as much as it rocks, if he was singing “comfortable” I would still love it! LOL
Did not like the era at all. Gangsta rap and grunge. Was going thru all the songs. Green Day was a stand out band, but I don’t like them now. Same with Chili Peppers. Cranberries maybe. Funny to me how that whole Lilith Fair era has been completely forgotten.
I liked Jars of Clay back when they first started, even saw them one time in concert. Sadly, they’ve drifted in recent years, but this song is still haunting.
I was a fan of Sixpence before they made it big with Kiss Me.
How has no one mentioned this?
No disrespect at all, but I almost think grunge was promoted to kill off rock once and for all and it kind of did. Around this era was when everyone started saying that they listen to “hiphop and R&B” and yet, gangsta rap started killing that off as well. Agree about the 80s. 80s sounds are incredible with so many different things going on. Will say about today, is that some people listen to that house music are all about seeking out positive energy and I really think highly of that.
I guess I thought it was ironic. “I have become comfortable with this world”, everything’s become commonplace, uninteresting. “I’ve become comfortable to my girl”, she’s taking me for granted, I’ve grown old to her.
I know my own tastes in things like music are not always to other people’s tastes. Every now and again, I’ll get the urge to dig up some music I listened to way back when, some of it even forgotten until I stumble on it. Come along if you want, or if it’s not your thing, that’s fine, too. A lot of this is just a matter of taste and preference, nothing more.
Cumbersome means difficult to deal with. I do like that song. It has good phrasing.
I’m actually surprised you haven’t dropped it yet because I know who you are leading up to. I’ll leave it for you to post. We all know you are just waiting to drop CREED on us. The angst music of My Own Prison, but I prefer Torn. Very interesting band and another stand out of the time because they were different and not meant to fit in. I recall a co-worker of mine who was a total atheist pagan mocked Stapp and said he was trying to sing like he was from Seattle.
Later on, there was a lesbian rock dj who did Battle of the Bands and a listener called in to vote for CREED and she got pissed which made me laugh. Both of them were critics but it struck me that they actually took the band seriously and this is something that make CREED a bit special. People thought they were a clone or mimic, using the grunge sound for ministry, but they were so good and they kept getting better, that they were embraced and accepted. Not sure if that would happen today. Today, I hear some Christian music trying to sound like Jonas Brothers, but I don’t know enough to comment on it because I don’t follow anymore. I like that they kept climbing, peaked and then, broke up and went away. They tried to do a comeback later, but it didn’t work, which is a shame. Good band. I know the singer struggled with alcohol. Their Behind The Music was fascinating. Incredible story. Out of all the gospel rock bands, would have to say they were the most substantial.
“Too heavy, too light
Too black or too white
Too wrong or too right
Today or tonight
Too rich or too poor
She’s wanting me less and I’m wanting her more
A bitter taste is cumbersome”
Also, I know this is slightly off topic but I used to LOVE “Staind” back the day. I knew Aaron Lewis had started to do country like music (it’s not exactly country that Staind voice is still in there). But here is actually doing some amazing stuff now a days. Check out “Am I the Only One”. It’s awesome.
Now to stay on topic. Here is another favorite of mine. Not Grunge, but angst for sure.
PS- I actually remember distinctly buying that Staind album. It was one of those times in my life that has a story with it. Life defining? Maybe, but something to remember for sure LOL.
Can post a few more of these, but I’m experiencing something weird. Despite the tidal wave of self-loathing music of that time, I remember bands like Collective Soul. It’s like 90% or more secular domination, and yet, I do remember these little bands that were always there with a message.
Creed? Really? That’s the kind of sneaky evil mastermind you see me as? And here I was, trying to prepare ya’ll for when I decide drop some shoegaze on you.
Actually, I’d be more likely to add some early Linkin Park rather than Creed. Hybrid Theory was a 2000 release, so I could talk myself into blurring the edges of the timeline a bit.
But this whole thing has more for reminiscence than anything else. It seems like every few months, I get the urge to hunt up some music I was familiar with way back when, and this time I decided to do it as a topic here, to see what may come it. And I guess it was a bit successful. If nothing else, I learned I had the lyrics wrong to a certain song.
I tried this once before, back when I was still on Facebook in a group I was in. It got a bit of participation then, too.