Interviewing Lyndon Hall of Geeks + Gamers

I recently sat down and chatted with one of Geeks + Gamers’ very own Aussies, Lyndon Hall!

Blabbering Collector: When and how did you get into Geeks + Gamers? How about YouTube?

Lyndon: I studied journalism back in 2013-2014 here in Sydney, and after a while of going back and forth between old work places, I thought, “I’ve got these skills I’m just going to go for it.” That was a couple years ago now, before the start of COVID. I did my first video in 2019.

I initially watched Lethal Lightning‘s videos, as he is here in Australia too. I saw that he was affiliated with Geeks + Gamers and I thought to myself, “Yeah, he’s alright.” So I started to do streams with him and Raging Ryno called “The Full Aussie.” I said to Lethal, “I think I could be a contributor to the G+G writing team; see if you can talk to them for me.” He did, and it just went from there.

BC: So, basically, you owe Lethal.

L: Yep!

BC: I can’t wait for him to hear that. What are your YouTube goals?

L: My only goal, really, was to get monetized. I achieved that thanks to everyone at G+G, especially Jay (Drunk3PO). And now, it’s kinda dropped off a bit, as I’ve been working more on Twitch. That seems to be better for me at the moment. I’m still on YouTube and creating videos because we have the upcoming election here so I want to focus on what’s happening here [in Australia]. I base my channel off of news, sports, politics, and all that! And then, of course, the movie side.

BC: Have you encountered any personal attacks online? If so, how do you get over it?

L: *chuckles* Yeah, yeah, I made a comment directed to Gail Simone about the MCU film Eternals, because they changed the characters from beings to robots, and, of course, they race and gender swapped the characters. So I tweeted her on Twitter, “Of course YOU loved race swapped, gender swapped, representation robots.” And she actually responded to me. She replied, “Imagine being this guy.” I replied with, “Don’t have to, I am this guy.” From there, it was comments and quote tweets for days!

I was getting so many notifications; I think I had a thousand notifications in one day. I had to mute it. It got pretty funny.

BC: It didn’t bother you at all? There weren’t any nasty comments, or did you not look at those?

L: It got to a level where people were calling me an “ist” or a “phobe” and I was like, “Whatever.” There were others saying stuff that was completely false, and I tried to counteract that. But there was no point; they would use some disingenuous bullshit to talk shit about you that has nothing to do with you. I’ve learnt to just ignore it.

BC: If you could bring any character with you on an adventure, who would you bring?

L: Hmmmm.

Wow. Any character.

*five years later.*

Shit, you got me.

Wonder Woman.

BC: Do you like to collect? If so, do you have a focus and what are you planning to get next?

L: I do. The MCU, for me, kind of came along at a time when I guess I needed it to. I think I connected to those films a lot more than other people did. I collect a few Star Wars things too, but that franchise has gone out the window… for me and a lot of people.

I think just to spite people I want to get that new cracked Mjölnir from the Thor: Love And Thunder, the one Natalie Portman wields. I think everyone’s been hurt by Disney and they just don’t want to entertain anything other than the “anti-stance.” Even though I said, “Good on a woman for working out for a role.”

Lyndon Hall

BC: Do you like the Backstreet Boys?

L: I want it that way, bro.

BC: How do you separate work and personal life?

L: I just don’t talk about things that don’t need to be put online.

BC: Favorite thing about YouTube?

L: I love how it’s brought people together, how we interact together. I love Jay’s Jay Walking The Planet channel. Just watching people you interact with on a daily basis and how they go about their day.

BC: You like vlogs, then!

L: Mhm, yeah vlogging is my favorite.

I also love covering movies because every day I would come home from school, I would sit with my grandmother and watch old movies. Stuff from the old days, the 60’s, Disney classics, etc. My grandmother passed away in 2013 and when the MCU films started to come out, I tried really hard to hold onto that connection with my grandmother, watching movies. I totally understand why people do not like the MCU now.

BC: Least favorite thing about YouTube?

L: YouTube drama.

BC: Explain your obsession with Natalie Portman’s arms.

L: *laughs.* I don’t have an obsession! All I said was that she worked out and there are photos of her looking bigger than what she actually was. That’s proof that she worked out.

BC: Finish this line: “That’s not a knife…”

L: This is a knife.

BC: Say something extremely Australian that no one else would understand.

BC: Anything you want to say to the viewers?

L: Thank you for watching and subscribing, I hope you enjoy it!

Speed Round – Short Answers Only

BC: Favorite color?

L: Red.

BC: Favorite film?

L: Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King.

BC: Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

L: Anything lactose free because I have allergies.

BC: Brie Larson or Natalie Portman?

L: *giggles* Natalie Portman.

BC: Mozza or Lethal?

L: Oh no! Uhh… uhh, shit. Lethal.

BC: Pineapple on Pizza?

L: No.

BC: Favorite video game?

L: Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King.

BC: Do you drink banana milk?

L: Nah, can’t drink milk.

BC: Do you like Vegemite?

L: No.

BC: Lightsaber color?

L: *ponders with his eyes closed* Red.

BC: You Sith Lord! Favorite cheese?

L: Mozzarella.

A Statement From Mozza

BC: Mozza would like me to call you a gronk, a dog, a fish, and that you have shit shirts.

L: Thanks, mate.

Questions From The Twitterati

Twitter: How big a role do you have in the upcoming Thor movie?

L: Huge.

T: How does it feel to have Victorian roots?

L: I’m actually related to a famous bushranger, Ned Kelly, on my dad’s side. Ned had a standoff with the police in Victoria in the 1800’s. The problem with Victoria is that, in the last few years with COVID, police have been beating people up in the streets, and that’s why everyone hates Victoria now.

T: What is the lore behind “Lyndon Fish”?

L: I actually had to ask someone how this happened. This apparently happened on one of Lethal’s Twitch streams, where someone put my Twitch emote in the chat, followed by a fish emote. So it was literally me and a fish! And I’m like, “Who the fuck does that?”

BC: Is it true that you have a disability? What are you willing to tell us about how you deal with it?

L: I do. I’ve never really been overly public about it, but I want to share it. I have Cerebral Palsy. I find it very hard to um… to be honest, I have pain 24/7, especially in my hips. I was born late; technically, I was dead. It took me a long time and a lot of therapy, mostly from my mom and grandmother, to get my legs moving. I wasn’t supposed to walk or talk. I went swimming every week to get my muscles moving and increase coordination. If I didn’t have any of my family’s support, I wouldn’t be here.

Being here today in spite of all that makes me not care what anyone says, because I’m here and I’m not supposed to be. The things that I’ve done and was never supposed to be able to do… I mean, I’m happy with where I’m at! I won football championships, I’ve won all these sporting events, and have done so much when I wasn’t supposed to even walk or talk. It’s shown a lot of people, especially the doctors who told me I would never be able to do anything.

Thank you Lyndon for taking the time to be pestered at 2:00 A.M. (Australian time) in the morning! You can find Lyndon on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter.

You can also find Lyndon here on Geeks + Gamers!

Lyn-Thor photo created by Skirmitar!

Comments (3)

May 1, 2022 at 1:46 pm

Very cool.

May 1, 2022 at 5:22 pm

Lyndon fish

May 1, 2022 at 6:05 pm

My president!

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