“Family Friendly” drag show

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube “Family Friendly” drag show

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  • #271565

      I always knew they would come for what we hold most dear, our children.  What I did not know is that many would hand them over happily.


      Every adult involved in this, especially the parents, are vile.  Period.  End of story.


      If you have any inkling that this might be ok, as mentioned in the video, check out the NEON SIGN in the background that states “IT’S NOT GONNA LICK ITSELF”.


      If we allow this to happen, the tragic state society will fall to, we will deserve.



      There is NO such thing as a family friendly drag show!


      These degenerates have no place near any children.


      Remember, they plainly told us, “We’ll convert your children”. Those weren’t merely song lyrics.


      Remember, they plainly told us, “We’ll convert your children”. Those weren’t merely song lyrics.

      convert to what exactly?


      To their degeneracy.

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