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There are many people who do not understand why so many people are posting so much “Negativity” to these “teasers” So if you truly wish to know. Then continue reading. I will be citing Prof Tolkien’s own words from his letters. If I have made any errors in this please feel free to reply where the error is and cite the source to verify it is incorrect.
Let us start with this; Directly from Amazon.
Weber praised The Rings of Power’s multicultural cast by referring to Sophia Nomvete’s portrayal of the dwarf Disa. “It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like,” she said. Nomvete is the first woman of color to play a dwarf in The Lord of the Rings.” – Lindsey Weber, E.P. Amazon’s LOTR Series, Vanity Fair (Feb. 2022).
In letter 210 to Forrest Ackerman, about the LOTR unmade film “The canons of narrative in any medium cannot be wholly different; and the failure of poor films is often precisely in exaggeration, and in the intrusion of unwarranted matter owing to not perceiving where the core of the original lies.”
But then we have these “teasers” and in them we see:
Black dwarfs
Female dwarfs without beards
Black queen Tar-Miriel
Black Elves
And we know they are adding Female Orcs.
Prof Tolkien was very was clear, he did not want people to remodel his world and where it’s drew upon for its source material. In letter 131 he is clear that his stories were of England specifically ancient England. With some sources certainly from Scandinavian and Germanic. Amazon has Inserted Racial diversity in to the casting. Which is a complete violation of his Cannon.
Letter 131: It should possess the tone and quality that I desired, somewhat cool and clear, be redolent of our ‘air’ (the clime and soil of the North West, meaning Britain and the hither parts of Europe: not Italy or the Aegean, still less the East)
As you can see there should be NO black dwarfs (let alone a female dwarf without a beard) “as they were indistinguishable from male dwarfs”. From “The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, “Durin’s Folk” also fully flushed out in Peter Jacksons LOTR. Furthermore, in Letter 188 he stated: “I wish to avoid a repetition of my experience with the Swedish translation of The Hobbit. I discovered that this had taken unwarranted liberties with the text and other details, without consultation or approval”
Queen Tar-Miriel as described by Prof Tolkien; ” Tar-Miriel the Queen, fairer than silver or ivory or pearls.” – The Silmarillion.
Ok now lest go on to Lady Galadriel. Warrior Galadriel, nope no way, In Professor Tolkien’s works the only time we ever know she fought was in the First Kinslaying. Yet in the trailer we see her all decked out in Armor and a Sword even a Scottish Highlander would have a hard time yielding let alone a woman. The trailers look like a rip off of Game of Thrones party north of the wall.
This is speculative on my part, but seems from the trailers we are going to get Battles, and probably for the pure spectacle of battle with Galadriel and Probably Tar-Miriel leading the charge. This is what Tolkien said about that: Again, from the 1958 Letter #210 “He has cut the parts of the story upon which its characteristic and peculiar tone principally depends, showing a preference for fights; and he has made no serious attempt to represent the heart of the tale adequately”
The Lady Galadriel did not fight in any First age Battles: “She had no role in the major wars of the First Age, believing that defeating Morgoth was beyond the power of the Eldar; when Morgoth was defeated by the coming of the Valar out of the West she, having played no part in the earlier Kinslaying, was offered safe return to Valinor. However, she chose not to leave Middle-earth, and was the only leader of the Ñoldor exiles to remain after the First Age.” = The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XXIV: “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath”
And then we have her and Elrond’s conversation. There is NO WAY he would ever talk to her that way. First, she is his Mother-in-law and Second, she is as powerful (speculatively more powerful) than Sauron who did fear her as his rival, she has been alive far longer than He (Elrond) being of the “Legendarium” YT 1362 where Elrond was born First age FA 532. That conversation I have heard from kids (yes you did, no you didn’t, yes you did, no you didn’t.) come on that was bad writing and directing to ever let that in a show, but then to rip of Disney’s “Kill the past.”
She would actually not even need a sword, as she had <Nenya> Forged 1500 of the Second age “Conscious of Sauron’s power, and wishing to thwart it, she did not use the powers of her ring as long as the One Ring was in Sauron’s hands. However, during the Third Age, when the One Ring was lost, she put it to good use protecting the borders of her realm, for the powers of her ring were protection, preservation, and concealment from evil. = Unfinished Tales, Part Two, Chapter IV: “The History of Galadriel and Celeborn”
Despite any wishes or wants, there is nothing in the works of Tolkien showing her fighting in battles in the Second Age either. She certainly would not need a Sword having in her possession Nenya. And there is Nothing in the timeline of the Second Age prior to Nenya being forged that would give Cannon to her fighting.
Yet I am also compelled to point out he did not Like a “DARK Outlooks” and Battles and Wars or even dark stories he was against. In letter 64 “I sometimes feel appalled at the thought of the sum total of human misery all over the world at the present moment: the millions parted, fretting, wasting in unprofitable days — quite apart from torture, pain, death, bereavement injustice. If anguish were visible, almost the whole of this benighted planet would be enveloped in a dense dark vapour, shrouded from the amazed vision of the heavens!”
The show runners, themselves and directors. Another of his complaints is from in Letter 190, where expresses his feeling on how he would feel, even in the hands of a “competent person” yet in the case of Amazon’s Show Runners resumes are sparse at best. Did Amazon assigned two people to run the show who have no credentials to “remodel” his works to their “fancy.” Letter 190: In principle I object as strongly as is possible to the ‘translation’ of the nomenclature at all (even by a competent person). I wonder why a translator should think himself called on or entitled to do any such thing. That this is an ‘imaginary’ world does not give him any right to remodel it according to his fancy.
Again, I point out the first point By Amazon: “It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like.” Amazon and clearly the Show runners are going against what Tolkien himself would have never approved of.
I would be remise if I did not also point out, that they had working for them Tom Shippey, one of the most Knowledgeable Tolkien scholars, until they fired him. Their reasoning by reports was he broke his NDA in an interview. However, more and more sources are stating, this it was because Shippey was protesting what was being done “polluting the lore.” <Source>= Bounding in to Comics.
Poor Production issues just in these teasers are glaring. Boob Armor and even T-SHIRT Armor” ON Tar-Miriel <yes, my friends you can clearly see T-shirt printed armor.> With a budget of over 500 million with projections having it as high as a Billion and that is what Amazon is giving us?
We also have Galadriel in what makes her look like she jumped in to a Giant bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos. “Harfoots”, or as I like to call them Penguin People because clearly, they cannot walk in those prosthetic feet. How was it we had the Hobbits with their feet having no problems even Charging in to Battle running. Yet these show runners and editors allow Penguins to be seen on film.
So when Amazon and its schills in the media try to use their typical “Ist and Isms and phobias” to try tell people everyone pointing out the glowing flaws are wrong, or why they are so mad about this, do not be fooled by their excuses and lies. You can simply type in the search menu above (Prime Video, and pick a country) you will see the truth, in the downvotes.
Yes you can actually see a representation of them, because as with comments it appears Dislikes keep disappearing as well. But to see them just get the <Google Chrome Extension called> “Return YouTube Dislike” As of the time of this post the current numbers for Prime Video USA is 250,481 Dislikes and 65,266 likes.
Amazon angered the wrong fan base….. One that loves the works of Prof Tolkien. The truly sad part is, they have all the works of Prof Tolkien, and all they needed to do was STICK TO THEM. Instead, they hired people lacking the skill and knowledge to pull this off, and then decided to go with against all the wishes of Tolkien, and clearly an Enormous Number of his fans. You only need to get the Google Chrome Extension to see the Dislikes again to see that is true.
Fans as it appears by Many other Dislike to Like ration on this video are not happy with Amazons handling of Prof Tolkien’s works. But also, if you search videos on social media platforms and even now showing in print the distain for what Amazon is doing.
It is not because any excuses Amazon or the Schill media will try and say, as it Transends race, creed, color, wealth, religion, sex or politics. It is because the fans are sick and tired of Production companies inserting Their political and social agenda in to the works and cannon of beloved stories and properties. They may buy them and then say it is their property, but it is not. It is OUR Property, all they have is the rights to tell the story as written within cannon source.
The saddest part of this, maybe more so than others, they have all the finished works to draw from, they have many people they could have brought in (had probably the best but fired him) to make sure they told the story as Prof Tolkien would have wanted. They even had his letters on what he would not have wanted.
Yet they just had to bring in the {Check the Boxes crew} They had to have Diversity and Inclusion and I am certain we will have other Political messages of todays world, they as much as said so.
When I first heard about Amazon acquiring the rights to make this, my initial thoughts were of the great stories that could be told. I had high hopes that this could surpass Peter Jacksons Lord of the Rings, that this would have a budget that would make Tolkien’s world come to life and I again like when I was a child seeing the Animated Hobbit 45+ years ago I had daydreams of Middle Earth and was happy that I would have something to share with Family and Friends we loved.
But then the stories of what Amazon was doing started to circulate, then the articles with their own words and finally these teasers. This is NOT and CANNOT be the world of Prof J.R.R. Tolkien, not when Amazon admits they are making it for “Today’s world” and the violation of Tolkien’s words and wishes are so clear. Had Amazon wanted to make a Fantasy adventure, they have the money for it. There is no need or reason to destroy the works of the Great Professor.
I leave you with letter 210: “I do earnestly hope that in the assignment of actual speeches to the characters they will be represented as I have presented them: in style and sentiment. I should resent perversion of the characters (and do resent it, so far as it appears in this sketch) even more than the spoiling of the plot and scenery”
People with agendas (mostly leftist/progressive) have infiltrated nearly every facet of entertainment and media now. It is nearly impossible to watch anything anymore without it in there somewhere. Resident Evil, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Batman, Spider-Man, etc, etc. It’s all been hijacked by a singular mindset that is NOT diverse and NOT tolerant. They wish to indoctrinate, not entertain. Their agenda is all that matters. Not making a good story. The quality of our movies and TV shows has gone right down the toilet because of it.
As an artist and musician myself I find all of this disgusting. Art should never be used for indoctrination. I want to escape the bullshit of life, not be continually beaten over the head with a one sided narrative of their version of what life should be. If some asshat tried to tell me I had to include certain things in my art or music, I would tell him where he can stick it. If I was told I couldn’t draw a naked woman because of “sexualizing women”, I would draw twice as many! And this is what artists and developers need to do. When the twitter mob screams, drown them out with more of what they are screaming about. When they complain about an “over sexualized character” in a game…make two more!!! When they complain there are too many white people, ADD MORE!!!! I think it is weak and flat out lunacy to change an entire society based on the demands and “needs” of a small group of the population. To censor all forms of art and entertainment because of them. To be cowards because you might get “cancelled” on Twitter.
When I read things like “praised The Rings of Power’s multicultural cast”, I want nothing to do with it. I don’t care about multiculturalism, I don’t care about LGBTQ+-up up down down left right left right B A Start, I don’t care about inclusion, I don’t care about race or sex. Those things are UTTERLY irrelevant to me. I care about good characters, good story, good imagery and cinematography, and being entertained. That’s it. Period.
I care about good characters, good story, good imagery and cinematography, and being entertained. That’s it. Period.
Absolutely, and why I took the time to watch the trailers and then piece by piece, cite the Professor. I love his works and stories. People need to be told what is being done to them. Many do not know, the very evils you bring up have driven many people from reading great works and developing the passion many older fans have. Amazon Angered the wrong fan-base.
I hope with all my heart, that those responsible will be fired and blackballed from ever being neat even a kinder-garden theater project again.
Modern hollyweird does not care about lore, canon, fans, etc. They only care about agendas and pushing a narrative above all else.
Good storytelling, is secondary, as is making a profit.
They call everyone racist, sexist, -phobic for not liking their trash when it fails, instead of looking at the product they are making and realizing it is garbage.
Wokism/SJW’s are blinding by their ideology, brainwashed into thinking everyone MUST also agree with it.
But we have seen that evil can only corrupt (and can’t create of its own).
They corrupted Dr.Who, they corrupted Star Wars, they corrupted Star Trek, they are corrupting Lords of the Rings, etc.
They are so concerned with checking off a box that they fail at the bottom line. Go woke – go broke.
Even this “inspired by…” series has been corrupted by inserting that which does not belong.
It is not inspired by lol, it is using the Professors name to try and sell a steaming pile of turd. I am just happy I have all the original works and can enjoy them anytime I want. But I am thinking House of the Dragon will be far better.
I got in to it with one SJW who ended up calling me a Racist, lmao, Ya knew the conversation was hilarious until that point… His question (Would you be mad if James Bond was black or I bet you are mad about House of the Dragon having black people in it.
I replied. Yes I would be Mad if Bond was black as that is not who he is…. It would be like them making a show about African history and lores and having a bunch of white people in it. It would be wrong. As to House of the Dragon, well the author of the books is still alive and very active in it, so if he says it is fine in his cannon who am I to argue with him… Yup call a racist for it… These people are so predictable, always to the same thing ( ism, ist, phobia etc).
My favourite is when these activists say that they’re “huge fans of such-and-such a franchise”…but they’ve never read the books or seen the films. How can they be fans if they’ve basically never been near the franchise??? Would love to ask them this question myself and see their brains work overtime to try and answer that!
Also- slightly off topic here but it does apply to what we’re talking about- the new version of Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ has aired on NetFlix…and no-one likes it! It’s even funnier when you find out that they’ve tried to put in modern lines because they think that today’s audience doesn’t understand her works when a LOT of teenage girls have always liked her works. One such example I’ve read from people who have watched the film was that they referred to a stack of sheet-music as a playlist. Almost cried with laughter!
How can they be fans if they’ve basically never been near the franchise???
They are fans of what they can do to corrupt it to promote their agenda/narrative. They have never been “fans” of the source material/lore, only what they can do to it.
No clue on Jane Austen. Not seen it doubt I would care to.
When people tell me they are fans of a series I ask simple questions about the Movie or TV “whatever film” it is as most probably have not picked up the books. It is funny when you question them on things that are clearly (Agenda or Politics) they change the subject quickly.
They know its woke and they know they cannot argue it….. What I love is when they try to compare GOT to Tolkien…. Just how the hell do you do that? Martin is a Feminist from the word go, he is also very much about “Progressive.” But he writes it well “when he remembers to write anything.”
Tolkien, wrote about ancient Myths and Lores, built an entire world around it trying to base His world around England from tens of thousands of years age and the northern European countries, he did not interject the politics of the day in it. Lets be Honest WW2 was raging when he was writing some of it, he served in WW1 and the politics were everyplace at the time. What did he write?
He wrote arguably one of the greatest stories in History!! He did so without interjecting his real-world in it.
I will tell you what this reminds me of though with Martin and Tolkien. You have Book readers and you have show watchers, us book-worms are armed and dangerous.
Let me give you a video example: Remember when Dany and Drogo married how it looked like a Rape scene? Ya, well here is how its written.
Last of all Drogo brings forward his own bride gift, a fine grey filly. Drogo easily lifts her by the waist up to the saddle. She does not know what to do. Ser Jorah tells her to take the reins and ride. She is only a fair rider, having traveled almost exclusively by other means, but as she rides, she forgets her fears and eventually sends the horse into a gallop, and even has it leap over a firepit. She returns and tells Illyrio to tell her husband that he has given her the wind, and Drogo smiles. Then the sun sets and Drogo readies his horse. When Viserys warns her to please her husband, lest she will regret it, fear comes back to her.
Drogo sets a fast pace, saying nothing. Daenerys tries to rid herself of her fear by remembering she is the blood of the dragon and the dragon is never afraid. It is full dark when they stop at a grassy place beside a small stream. Drogo swings off his horse and lifts her down from hers. She feels fragile in her wedding silks. She begins to weep, but Drogo says “No,” and wipes her tears away. She asks questions but all Drogo says is “No.” He starts softly murmuring to her in Dothraki to soothe her. Drogo sets her down on a rock and sits facing her, then starts removing the bells from his hair, and Daenerys helps. Then he indicates that she should unbraid his hair, which takes a long time. Then Drogo undresses her, with tenderness, and caresses her until she is ready for him. When he bares her breasts, she covers herself with her hands but Drogo gently pulls her hands away. After he finishes undressing her, he watches her for a while. Then he begins to touch her face and hair. It seems like hours to Daenerys before his hands go to her breasts. This makes Daenerys breathless, and when he seats her on his lap and asks “No?” she moves his hand inside her and says “Yes.”
The show runners twisted a beautiful scene to rape for ratings…. Fans did not raise a stink about it really…. Do that with Tolkien and pitch-forks will be raised.
I did like the ‘Game of Thrones’ books and have watched up to series 4 on the TV version. Haven’t gotten past 4 since I’ve been watching other stuff lol but I’ll watch it until series 6. Then I’m going to stop there because from what I’ve heard about series 7 and 8. Dune I’m currently really enjoying book-wise and I liked some aspects of the 1984 film (I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t recognise Sting in it) and I really enjoyed the remake despite them race and gender-swapping the doctor but they didn’t make it about her on the film so I allowed that. I get that they have to change things to appeal to a cinema audience but “there’s changes and then there’s pandering” to quote Geeky on one of Clownfish TV’s vids where they were talking about Disney removing Walt’s speech.
As for Jane Austen, I highly recommend her works. They are very well written.
Dune, I was I think one of the first ones on here and said it to many in life… I would wait to judge the race/sex swap. I had some inside knowledge and also seen Dennys works in the past so was willing to hold off judgement. It worked, and it worked well but it was not done in any of the woke ways. Even Dr. K’s death change was not bad, actually enjoyed it more than the book version and I am a diehard book fan.
Now I will say I am worried about part-2 (Zendaya has a mouth and could put me and others off before it even airs) But looking at the rest of the cast as we know them now… Christopher Walken as the Emperor is a great choice and Austin Butler is fresh off Elvis which as a King fan he did him justice, But talk about testing his Boundaries Elvis to Feyd, thats a hell of a jump.
But I do have to point out Denny, is a Director with a nice track record to look at to get an idea on… These two on LOTR, they aint got shit, and we saw what two show runners with little to bad past records did to GOT. Shall we not forget one of them thought Muting Deadpool was a good idea.
And in this case we already have Amazon telling and showing us how bad it will be. And they have two patsies already put in place to blame with it tanks.
I’m going to miss seeing Sting in that part or maybe I’ve the wrong character lol! I know someone who only saw Elvis because she’s a fan of the director but her parents really enjoyed it.
You have the right part Feyd, but I can promise the Feyd in the show will be nothing like Feyd in the book. Hollywood and the SJW’s would have massive heart failure if they did him and the Baron like they appear in the books. Heck they already left out 2 major things from the Books… The Banquet scene which I have no clue why they would leave it out, its one of my favorite parts of the book. But they also left out the Lady Jessica Plot, another missed oppurtunity.
I guess hey won’t have the Emperor saying “Bring in the floating fat man” (about the Barron) on part 2 like they did on the 1984 version🤣! The banquet scene wasn’t on the 1984 version either.
Tranquil Waters
She blessed the rains down in LórienShe passed some rains down in Lórien
She blesses the rains down in Lórien
She passed some rains down in Lórien
She blessed the rains down in Lórien”