The Sexual Revolution is Terrible for Women

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      This is a phenomenal look at how promiscuity etc is bad for men and particularly women and the relationships between them.

      This touches on all facets of our lives and is a solid logical look into the topic.

      Very entertaining and informative.



      Who is she trying to convince? These past decades have been the best ever for women. Legions of simps, easy money, easy careers….  woman have it made.


      It’s the best time to be a home-hoe aka e-thot. with decent make-up and filters, you can get a bunch of simp money. But it doesn’t work for all, some don’t have the right “magic” to be online, so they gotta go traditional. They all belong to the streets anyway.


      Now, regarding normal, good women, it’s tough out there. There’s not a lot of hope. Because of the “revolution” and radical feminism, men changed too. Most of us are good going MGTOW, it’s good for our wallet and for our mind. And going MGTOW it’s not “omg you an incel, you dont get laid”, it’s not that at all, it’s actually the opposite, MGTOW men get laid all the time, it’s just without feelings… bang bitches & get money lol (i’m not mgtow thou, i found a good asian waifu xD  but i recommend all western guys to go mgtow if they cant find latinas or asians).


      But good women don’t like to be alone… It’s messed up.

      Normal good women should start a movement as well, and start changing men’s minds, let men know not all women went insane.


        I think her whole argument is that even the e-thot stuff is not good for women or men individually or together.  If you listen to her arguments they make complete sense.

        Just because people can make easy money does not mean it is a heathy thing or that it is a net positive.

        MGTOW is the reaction to radical feminism.  It is men trying to insulate themselves from that.  Which is a natural reaction to such a negative thing. But all that both things do is make folks unhappy in the long run.  Most humans (not all) are most happy paired with someone they love.  Seeking out meaningless sex or short term relationships is a recipe for long term unhappiness.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Vknid.

        Actually for normal women it’s great as well. Due to so many women exposing themselves as vile, irresponsible untrustworthy garbage, the few rare good women can score much higher men nowadays. Men have learned the value of an honest woman – the hard way. That’s worth a lot more than just looking hot.

        MGTOW… i’m unsure of what to make of it. Generally yes, men need to stop simping and white knighting and put themselves and their needs first. And the hard truth is there are not enough good women out there for all good men. Most good men will die alone. May as well make the best of it. The pump and dump attitude is no substitute for or path to happiness, but it does help in being confident and raising the overall value of men again.

        “Seeking out meaningless sex or short term relationships is a recipe for long term unhappiness.”  Trademark that statement and put it on tshirts. That’s a truth bomb right there.


          Pretty sure the idea is, without the cultural shift of the sex revolution, there probably would be very few e-thots if any and that we would not be calling prostitutes “sex workers”.

          I agree with her summations.  I do believe that the sexual revolution combined with radical feminism has done nothing but harm for the relationships between men and women and thus is another reason for people to be unhappy.  MGTOW is a reaction to radical feminism but it just exacerbates the entire issue.


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