College Debt “forgiveness”

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      I find this topic infuriating because it is another painfully obvious vote buying scam that does nothing but take from the many and gives to targeted potential voters.  All this will do is drive up further the cost of education (you can thank federal involvement for that in the first place) and cause inflation to go even higher.

      There is no such thing as a free lunch, that money will come from somewhere and the downstream effects of that will harm everyone whether it is taken from the tax payers or printed.

      This is akin to being given $5 dollars once and then being charged $5 monthly until eternity.


      “What is freely given to one is forcefully taken from another”




      I agree.  This bribe to the woke/sjw’s who took out a student loan but are so irresponsible they don’t WANT to pay it back is nothing but a “please vote to keep out power hungry/no-policy demented dems in power”.

      No one FORCED you to go to college, get a worthless degree.

      Why should honest hard working Americans pay for your laziness and worthless degrees.

      Universities and colleges are just as much to blame, with indoctrinating students to being worthless woke/sjws.

      The entire “education/indoctrination” system is broken.  They should be graduating people in fields that are in demand, not degrees that have no future potential



        Great points.


        There are many systems that are broken.  And those systems were intentionally broken by corrupt politicians doing nothing but gathering money and power for themselves.  However , they share blame on some level with anyone with voted for them time and time again.

        I cannot think of a way that the current paradigm does not abruptly end and a revolution of sorts does not happen. I don’t mean a civil war I mean just a mass change in the people and the systems that are out there.  I say this because western society cannot exist like it does now for long.  Either the WEF takes over and we live under the boot or the whole globalism thing is so soundly rejected as to “run it out of town” entirely.  I honestly don’t know how it ends.  I know change is coming I just hope it is peaceful for everyone’s sake.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vknid.

        …I mean just a mass change in the people and the systems that are out there.

        We are seeing that at the grassroots level.

        Entire school boards being replaced, school choice is growing as is home schooling.

        These bailouts to failed students is another moronic move.

        So for those that were responsible enough to have just finished paying back their student loans, they get…. nothing!

        That that had paid off their student loans in the past, what about them?

        These failed upwards has to stop.

        We know, if the Dems do it once (to get votes), they will do it again, and again, to bribe people to vote for them.


        IIRC, the last time a government helps out students/institutions, the colleges/universities raised their admission to match (and sometimes exceed) any benefits the gov gave.

        This scheme by the dems will not only increase the debt, but knowing the feds will bailout students, this will only incentives lenders and those institutes to give out more loans to students to get more worthless degrees they know the students won’t pay back.


          Yes you are 100% correct.  I think Pre-90’s ,before the goverment got into the loan business for education and started pushing college for all, an education was FAR FAR cheaper.  It used to be you could work yourself through school.  Sure it was tough but doable.  Now I am not sure that is even close to possible.

          And I think you are right about the grassroot changes.  I see those things too and I think so does the radical left which is why they are now showing their hand in everything and pushing as fast as they can.  I hope the changes we can make are enough and in time.


          I work in healthcare. I have about 20k on my student loan. If they want to “forgive” it, fine. But, it’s NOT free.

          I see nothing wrong with helping people out who have dealt with COVID and been on the front lines for the past 2+ years, like myself. Firefighters, Military, etc. If any forgiveness is going to happen, people like that should be first imo. But, just people who went to college for Gender Studies and Social Sciences, etc. NO. No forgiveness.


            Real simple…. College is NOT mandatory.

            You voluntarily go and know going in you made this choice and have to pay for the product. Debt should NEVER be forgiven. Do not go if you cannot pay.

            Try walking in to a store and putting a bunch of stuff in your car and go home with it (as we know stores dont stop people now) But when the cops show up try telling them they have to forgive you and let you have it.

            Stealing is Stealing and both are theft. Just because the government sanctions one and kinda not the other, does not make it right.



              I am all for helping people too.  Especially when they are down and out.  But this is not helping.  Yes, in the short term it can help but the long term implications are awful. And they know it which is what makes it sinister.

              Again, this is like the goverment (the taxpayers) giving you $5 but then because they gave everyone else $5 too,  your taxes went up $5 a month and the loaf of bread you paid $5 for previously now cost $10.



              This is a redistribution of wealth… ALL $600Billion+ of it.

              From small/mid sized business (and all those 87K new IRS agents to squize them dry ) to all those people who never had student loans (or those who had paid them off).

              Truly sickening what dementia joe will sign once it is put infront of him.


                So everyone in here against this, is also against Bankruptcy as well right? Because i can rack up thousands in debt buy cars, tvs, and strippers. Choose not to pay it back and declare bankruptcy and it all goes away.  but when someone whos been told for 12 years go to college or you will die homeless on the street, believes when a school tells them they have a 99% job placement and they will work to find you a job in the industry takes out a loan and was lied to, or the college goes bankruptcy in the middle of their degree and now their stuck with credits and a debt, they should just be fucked for life? The government should be allowed to just increase the debit year after year so after 20 years of making payments you still havent paid down the debt. borrow 25k from the government end up paying 60k back. its the only debt that cant be declared bankrupt on.


                Things like this make you wonder what’s the point of working hard and doing things the “proper” way when others can get the same benefits without the same sacrifices.

                And on top of that, people who made the sacrifices and are probably working and paying taxes have to support these (partial) freeloaders.

                Now I’m an old dog set in my ways, but had I been younger this would be a strong disincentive to proper work/social ethic. Let them ride some other Jackarse’s back, not mine.


                You declare personal bankruptcies, it affects your credit score, ability to access credit/take out loans, etc.

                Ans schools that tell you they have a 99% job placement forget to tell you that is NOT the same as 99% placement in the field you got your “education” in.  If you got a job flipping burgers you are considered having a job (being job placed).

                All that “go to college or be a homeless bum” is propaganda/BS.  They just wanted you to get a student loan (and be indebted to the banks for a long time) all the while the colleges/universities can indoctrinate you in their woke ideology.

                Learning a trade (plumber, electrician, etc) pays extremely well, and you don’t need a college degree for that.

                So the lie of going where you can make the money is also FALSE/propaganda.


                Government’s should not be in the bailout business.

                I was against it when they did it before (auto sector, banking sector) and not which student loan bailout.

                Hey, why not help BAIL OUT all those mortgages for people earning under $125K USD that has a balance over $10K?



                  The people with houses and mortgages have something to show for their money, and they can sell it if they cant make the payments. i Cant sell this piece of paper i got from a school. also bankruptcy hurts your credit for 2 years. you can get a home loan 2 years afterwards. student loans follow you for life. not the same issue. Bankruptcy  is a fuck it start over button for every one that didnt try to go to college to better them self.
                  Also you cant just go “learn a trade” you have to find someone willing to teach you. I have spent the last year and a half calling companies asking if they take on year one apprentices and they have all said no. You are defending all the lies that colleges tell people and that schools have told people and giving them a cop out. “well we said a job, so thanks for 100k go flip burgers”

                  Ya’ll really pissed off that the guy working at star bucks now has 20k less on his 60k debit.  How petty can you get?  to be mad that some people had a tiny portion of their student loans knocked off. Most of us with Student loans owe more than 20k in interest. this literally isnt even half of what the government wants from me in interest. ive long paid back what i borrowed.


                    $15×40 600  600x 4 = 2400  2400 x 12 = 28,800  So you really upset that people barely making more than minimum wage got a tiny bit knocked off a debt they will never be able to afford?

                    Most of us making 15 an hour arent middle class. we are the top of the bottom. But we are still in the bottom. We arent freeloaders, we just do the jobs you dont want to. but you use the services we provide.


                      Comparing BK  to College Debt is laughable.

                      College you know full well going in that you are required to pay for it! It is voluntary and as I said above try going to a store and taking their product and not paying for it, it is theft. Taking a education is a product, Pay for it!

                      Bankruptcy, is not something anyone ever wants to do. It is most the time and cases created circumstances beyond the persons control. A medical emergency, a divorce, loss of a job. Bankruptcy is very much brought on by disasters. Beyond the control of the person or family and it is the absolute last resort.  I have known people who committed suicide because of it.  Comparing the two is insulting to those people who worked so hard and did everything right and because of a disaster were forced to go that route.

                      Business’s should never be allowed IMO to file for it. With very limited exceptions such as a Natural Disaster.  If a business fails, then they can sell off all assets to help repay some of the debt. There also needs to be some penalty placed on the owners/board to prevent them for a time from starting another business and if they own another one and are filing on a separate company then the still functioning one should be required to continue to pay for the debt of the other.

                      Business vs Personal are two different situations.

                      BTW I like MILLION and MILLIONS of others made the choice for College and then Business and Trade Schools. Did so knowing I would have to pay for it AND DID! Nope I am not for giving people who made the choice to go to college any forgiveness, they made the choice and knew the debt responsibility going in. They owe the money so pay it off likes Millions have before hand.

                      BTW a price for a JUCO 4 year degree runs about 12,0000.00 right now, that is less than a used car. The University of Arkansas a Div-1 School for a 4 year degree is $30,500.00, that is  New car price for a Div-1 School. Do not tell me these people cannot afford that when they sure do drive around new cars!

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