If Supreme Court ends affirmative action in higher education…

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    If Supreme Court ends affirmative action in higher education, here’s what the left could try next

    This week, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a pair of cases asking whether affirmative action in college admissions violates the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection.

    Which it does.

    At the same time, people just be aware that;

    By developing a set of proxies that correspond to an applicant’s race, like where the student lives or what middle school she attends, school districts have implemented admissions policies that effectively discriminate against some racial groups while admitting more students from other racial groups. All of this without the merest mention of race.

    If anything that is not  race-neutral is used, then it IS racists and biased.

    Grassroots parents organizations

    have joined forces with the nonprofit Pacific Legal Foundation – of which we are a trustee and attorney – to fight proxy discrimination and stand up for children’s rights to compete on a level playing field.

    In federal lawsuits in Virginia, Maryland, New York and Massachusetts, parents are asking courts to declare that proxy discrimination is unconstitutional and forbid school districts from using it to racially balance K-12 schools. This issue may ultimately reach the Supreme Court, which has the power to end proxy discrimination in education once and for all.

    End all racism, favoritism, proxy discrimination.


      Hi, we think decisions based on race are a blight on society.  To solve these decisions based on race, we suggest decisions based on race.


      I agree, in principle. But let’s be honest, part of the reason it was introduced was the discrimination that minorities faced with entry into such institutions.

      Wouldn’t reverting to a “meritocracy” eventually result in the same problem?


        No, because such discrimination is highly illegal and viewed as morally reprehensible.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

          Affirmative action IS racism period!

          It give a person a edge over another “Possibly even more qualified person” simply based race. It should never been allowed and needs to go period.


          Before, admissions were based on merit/grades.

          The better your scores, the better the chance getting in and successfully graduating.

          But the entitled don’t like being judged on merit (as they have none).

          Only the best (scores, grades, merits) should get in of those that apply, IMO.

          You wanna get in, do better, work better, prove yourself worthy.

          Should someone with a d- get in when a person with a b+ cannot?  NO.

          End racism/discrimination.

          Let individual states/scores in a neutral method be used.  That is the only fair and equitable way of doing things.



            The thing about this in colleges is that I have heard it leads to failure often times.  In other words, you send someone to a college they should not be in and they just end up wasting their time and or money because they cannot do well enough to pass.  So it sends them down a path of failure they would have otherwise avoided.  I have heard folks like Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell speak on how this can be damaging to folks.


            They changed the grading system over here in the UK several years ago. It was something like “If you have 70% then you’ve got a A+”. I can’t remember what it was exactly 😂 but my late grandmother was furious when she heard about this on her radio. She had wanted to be a translator when she left college but couldn’t get the right marks for it (she got something like a 50). Her reaction to that? “Where’s my A+ then?!” To say my grandmother was furious was an understatement😳!


            Leaving no kids behind.

            I hear that so often now, that students who do not know the course material are being push up.

            Failed upwards!

            Let it be someone else’s problem.

            They are no longer being “TAUGHT” in school the skills they need to be adults and earn a living in the REAL WORLD.

            They can’t do basic math. (balancing/reconciling your bank account/credit cards)

            They can’t do basic writing. (full sentences with proper punctuation)

            They have no social skills. (working with others as a team)


            Public education (indoctrination) is a failure.

            That is why private/school choice is on the rise.

            Affirmative action IS a failure!  Is discrimination!  Is racist!


            Respectful conversation between Crowder and a Black Professor. Good points on both sides of the argument.



              It goes to show that the goal of speaking to one another is not for 1 person to convince the other but for both people to learn.


              Affirmative action is no more. Some of the lefties are about to have a stroke…


              Discrimination to address discrimination is DISCRIMINATION.

              All admissions should be color blind, sex orientation blind, religious blind, race blind, sex blind, etc.

              And this applies not just to education, but businesses and governments as well.

              The best qualified should ALWAYS get the position, job, admission, etc.

              No special/privileged treatment.



              I laughed so hard at this this morning when I found out. I agree; you should only get into Uni based on merit and NOTHING ELSE! I didn’t end up going to Uni because I don’t have the brains for it😂! I went to college though but I was mostly doing skill-building courses such as ‘Business Studies’ and ‘Work Skills’. Besides, I would’ve hated being accepted into Uni just because I’m “a woman with slight learning difficulties”. In other words, I’m sure I’d tick at least two boxes for them but I’d rather get into somewhere based on my grades (which weren’t great) and not because I tick boxes.


                “No special/privileged treatment.”

                Special/privileged treatment = discrimination

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