Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › Great Jordan Peterson discussion on woke and marxism
This sounds very dry and it kind of is but if you listen to the first 10mins of it they explain how we got to the point we are at now. Peterson’s entire schtick and talent is to take a topic and break it down to the bare minerals and figure it out from there. They do with with Marxism and woke and how it came to prominence at a high level. Awesome talk.
Peterson is outstanding.
I would like him to stop crying so much. I don’t think it’s a fault, I just think Western men are already feminine enough and part of the appeal of Peterson is a man showing men how to behave in situations where we were given women as examples growing up. Basically, if this were the 1930s he wouldn’t necessarily be a role model for young men. Times are just so bad that we need a Jordan Peterson right now. I just wouldn’t mind if we over corrected and ended up with some additional callousness.
“Peterson is outstanding. I would like him to stop crying so much. ”
Agreed 100%.
Clearly Peterson is not a tough guy. He does not need to be. His strength is that in a world where common sense has been murdered in the night, burned and buried he offers a clear vision of common sense and path to it. Men ,being typically driven my hard logic, are drawn to this because right now young men are lost.
He’s weeping. I agree, emotions are weakness and weakness is death. Still, can’t fault the dude for actually caring. He does. It must be harder on him than on most. I don’t care enough about people to cry. I just turn to indifference or hate. Serves me well enough, but someone like Peterson is actually a good person. He does care about the suffering of people, even that which is self inflicted.