Are women being invited in or men being driven out?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Are women being invited in or men being driven out?

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  • #294422

      I dislike articles like the one below because it drones on about a “problem” that really isn’t and at the same time wants to possibly shove a square peg in a round hole.

      Why does any industry have to have more women?  Are we pushing so hard for more women, are we just driving men out? What happened to just equal opportunity and meritocracy?

      It seems very fascist to me to believe or put forth the thought that all humans regardless of sex, color, creed etc etc are all just the same cog in a corporate machine.

      And if we say that isn’t the case then why do we expect to have equal numbers of this type or that type in every industry?  I mean you are essentially left with just those 2 choices.  Are all humans the same? Or are there differences?  There is no in-between.

      Why don’t I hear about the gender disparity in landscaping or nursing? Where are the articles about the desperate lack of Muslims in the pork industry?

      Clearly this is more ESG WEF nonsense.  Your eyes are not lying to you.  Men tend to be better at some things and women at others.  Women tend to prefer certain things and men others.  These differences are there and without them none of us would be here trying to reinvent common sense.



      CNN was reporting that there aren’t enough Black Doctors and because of that it makes it unsafe.

      Read that again. You’ll see why I sounds outlandish, and somewhat racist.

      I work in Pharmacy. 68% of Pharmacists are female and 32% are male. 77% of Pharmacy Technicians are female and 23% are male. As a tech, that means 3 of every 4 techs are female (and yes it is very noticeable when you have worked in it for years like me) Out of about 30 techs at my job, only 3 are male, me included. So, why are men not complaining about that? Hmmmm?


        Because none of it is sincere and it’s all a grift.


        Men are being driven out.

        Not enough inclusion.

        Not enough minorities.

        Not enough female representation.


        And when it is majority female, we get silence.  Where are all the male teachers, male nurses, male child care providers, males in HR,  etc?

        Why the discrepancy?  Some industries attract different people to it.


        This is why I hate it when I see this “more inclusive” BS.

        I want the best qualified person for the job.

        I don’t want to have to pass up on the best because I need to check off a box.

        Oh, we have too many males, lets discriminate against male candidates.

        Oh, we can’t hire this person because we need minority representation.  If that minority is the best qualified person, no problem, but if they are not, that is an issue.

        Oh, we don’t have enough of the alphabet mofia, so lets discriminate against so we only look at hiring just them.

        Oh, we have applications for college, but because of quotas, we can’t accept that 4.0 GPA student because we need someone with XYZ.  Ah, here is an XYZ with only a 3.0 GPA.  Let’s accept the 3.0 over the 4.0 to show we are inclusive.


        Let’s create a non-discrimination society by openly discriminating.


          There is but one equality.  Equality in opportunity. ANYTHING ELSE IS RACISM/SEXISM.


          They only want positions of high-status, influence and power – anything else leave it for the men. For example, they would NEVER accept being “invited” to ensure there is gender equality in the sewerage cleaning industry.

          This exchange between Jordan Peterson and an Australian Feminist/Politician exemplifies this point.

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