LGBT groups trying to prevent release of the Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto?

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    Deepest condolences to those affected.


    It appears that a Transgender Woman shot and killed 3 adults and 3 children at a Christian Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee.

    There is speculation the shooter left a “manifesto” which lends credence to the claim that leftist groups are radicalizing people and (unsurprisingly) these groups are actively trying to prevent the release of the document.

    Methinks somebody’s chickens are coming home to roost…



    When countless white men shoot it’s ”no need to make it political, it’s a person who was just mentally ill” but when a transgender does it then suddenly identity politics matter?

    We need more prayers!!!!!


    Of course the toxic extremely far alt-left are radicalizing people.

    And how so many “activists” are going after the media for this female – not for having shot and killed so many, but because they “mis-gendered” her.  They are NOT for the people who lost their lives by this mass murderer, nor the families who are now in mourning the dead, nor the harm it cased to the survivors.

    They are outraged about the pronouns of this mass murderer.


    Timing. After Asbury Revival and Jesus Revolution, there seemed to be something in the air. An incident like this certainly distracts from that. The media and celebrities are siding with the trans shooter? That would be like siding with Adam Lanza. They never cared about kids though, only gun control. So much for the kids at Sandy Hook, the attitude in this case is that Christians somehow deserve it, but Christians are second class citizens in the west now. You see it when Pete Buttigieg does an awful job and Barney Frank does an awful job.

    Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 17-24-56 Cernovich on Twitter


    This Saturday 5pm Nashville, there is a Praise and Worship if you want to show up for more prayers. If you want to side with the monsters, I heard Madonna is going to have her own hag function.


    This wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’ve barely heard anything about this horrible attack in the last few days. Willing to bet that if it was a straight white dude everything would’ve been out in the open. I’ve heard nothing about this guy.


    And how so many “activists” are going after the media for this female – not for having shot and killed so many, but because they “mis-gendered” her.  They are NOT for the people who lost their lives by this mass murderer, nor the families who are now in mourning the dead, nor the harm it cased to the survivors.

    I feel like the further you go on both sides, the more people pay attention to the wrong stuff. On the left people are focusing on the misgendering, but on the right people seem to be hyper focused on the fact that this time it happened to be a transgender.

    I said it in my previous message but it’s funny how people on the right like to cherry pick when it’s alright to discuss identity politics. If it’s a white male, especially if Trump supporter and religious it’s ”the left is using it as a way to demonize people with a certain identity, don’t bring (identity)politics into this” but when it’s a transgender it’s balls out identity politics about how transgenderism caused this.

    And the solution or root cause never stop changing. It varies from mental illness, to drugs or porn and violent movies/games, to not having effective locks on doors, to teachers or security not carrying enough weapons at schools and now it’s drag shows and transgenders.

    The highest cause of deaths for children isn’t drag shows or even car accidents. Something needs to be done, and thoughts and prayers ain’t doing shit.


      This is the wrong conversation to be having about this.  It’s not a left or right thing.  Why are we making a school shooting into a team sport.  That is f’in ridiculous.

      We should all be concerned for and in the same way that children died.

      This stupid division where people play for a team and their team must win at all costs is how we get to this point and how we allow those in power to not only control us but to nullify the power of the people.

      Everyone should  be deeply and equally invested into finding out the reasons for and solving them.  Whether or not it points a finger at your team should be of no consequence.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

      The amount of hate being thrown at Christians by certain progressive pundits over this issue is truly disheartening and further exposes the Left’s intolerance  for anything that doesn’t mesh with their agenda.


      RIP angels…


      Nashville school shooting victims pictured including hero girl who died trying to pull fire alarm






        There is some hate lobbed in all directions by all sides. I really think that is the heart of the problem.  All that sh!t needs to stop.

        But clearly in this case it was against Christians.  There is a movement afoot to to demonize anything of Christianity.  I predicted some years ago the Bible would eventually be labelled hate speech and we are nearly there now.


        Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 05-56-35 5f59d47ecf9c7a05.jpg (JPEG Image 700 × 560 pixels)


        “Why are we making a school shooting into a team sport.”

        Welcome to America. A country where the rot has penetrated all the way to the core.

        The real truth is it’s not even a team sport. It’s a pretend teen sport. People going at each other’s throats over which “team” they’re on is exactly what the ruling class wants. Divide and conquer. Nowhere in the world is this strategy more on display than in the US.

        It’s a direct result of having a mixed population. Without genetic familiarity, people don’t trust each other. Once there is distrust, there will be politicians exploiting it. The more people live in fear, the more willingly they will surrender their liberty and self interest to the government in order to “fix things” or “protect them”. That’s what it’s all about: people giving up their self interest. “Gemeinwohl vor Eigenwohl” (“The needs of society before the needs of the individual”) was the Nazi’s social motto. That is the common idea what all big government tyranny is built upon.
        Which team one is on, left, right, gay, christian, whatever, none of it even makes a difference. All are pawns for the same team. There are no two teams in government. The regime is one.

        The descent into tyranny can only stop if people stop fearing / hating each other. That won’t happen, because people are fundamentally different, yet for some inexplicable reason they all want to live under the same set of rules.

        The only long term solution would be a divorce. Split up.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Wisdom.

          ” People going at each other’s throats over which “team” they’re on is exactly what the ruling class wants. Divide and conquer. Nowhere in the world is this strategy more on display than in the US.”

          Exactly, 100%


          The issue is that usually after this happens it’s the same song and dance, the left wants to have tighter background checks for selling firearms and the right wants to basically try everything possible besides that.

          What muddies the water of the conversation is that this time it happened to be a transgender who committed this horrific thing, so many on the right has latched on to a new reason: transgenderism. So now we’re in this odd situation where the left is still pushing stricter gun regulations while simultaneously having to defend trans people (obviously not the culprit for this event) because a lot of ghouls are now pointing fingers at the trans community for this, when in fact trans people actually commit way less shootings in proportion to CIS people.

          I personally wish actions would be taken because it’s always just yapping and thoughts and prayers but no deeds. I don’t see the issue with having tighter requirements for getting firearms. Just like you need to go through multiple stages of requirements and tests to get your driver’s license, what’s the harm in applying tests, background checks and other requirements for purchasing firearms?

          A lot of people use the strawman argument about the left is coming to collect your guns when that isn’t the case at all, as it’s impossible practically. The idea would be to tighten the requirements to purchase firearms to reduce numbers of psychos being able to get one.

          Another thing is people are suggesting more heavily armed security and even teachers that would scare away potential shooters. Well, first of all it feels absurd and dystopian to have little children in schools were people are carrying heavy weaponry. And more importantly, the majority of school shooters are going in fully prepared and even wishing to die at the end. So having armed security wouldn’t be of much help when the plan is to go in, drop 5-10 people in a matter of seconds and then die like a martyr.




          “Well that’s interesting, within what seemed like minutes we saw pictures of the rifles and the pistol, we have horrifying bodycam footage from in the school, so unsettling we’re not going to show it to you, but somehow we can’t see the manifesto in which the killer explains why she killed. Why is that, that’s not accidental. But we know exactly why that is: because it would make the obvious undeniable. The Trans movement is targeting Christians including with violence.” – Tucker Carlson

          There was an informative discussion about this on CobraCast IRL last night including the “embracing” of mental illness by the Left and then using those people to further their agenda.

          The Tucker segment starts around time stamp 25:10.





            CLEARLY mental illness is a HUGE HUGE issue here.  I have heard it called the “elephant in the room”.  I don’t think it is.  Whatever is causing rampant mental illness is the true elephant.  And honestly I think that is our lifestyles, the garbage we often eat and the medicines they tell us to take.

            Now as far as this “The Trans movement is targeting Christians including with violence.” If you take that on the face of it, it makes it sound like anyone and everyone who is for “trans rights” (whatever that might be) is ready to do vile things to Christians.  I think that is painting with too broad a brush and that is how we get into trouble philosophically.  I am sure there are some who would and I am sure there is some of that in the reverse direction as well.

            Look I don’t have all the answers. I just know that not everyone on the planet is a hateful spawn of Satan willing to do harm to those they hate. But if you listen to the news that is what they would have you convinced of.  They just want us all fighting each other.

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