Historically, what does it mean when a society attacks masculinity?

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      The claim here , via historical references, is that when a society “progresses” to the point of emasculating men or even just general androgyny it is about to fall as has happened a number of times in the past.



      • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

      I don’t doubt that there is something wrong about this “demasculining” of men. On the other hand, I’d be just as wary of the “strong man”, especially when such a man is the ruler or has some position of power.

      I suspect a lot of this is simply some kind of an attempt by man to play God, to try to create reality in his own image. God made humans male and female? Then we will redefine ourselves, we will be the masters of ourselves, or our own fate. We will say what we are.

      The feminizing of men, the masculizing of women, the sexualizing of children, the promotion of propaganda as truth despite all factual evidence to the contrary, the promotion of the trivial to a place of great importance, how society is amusing itself to death, how churches are amusing themselves to Hell, how something that nobody cared about five minutes ago is suddenly all-important at this moment. I think the Bible is again shown to be true when it says about the last days, “Evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived”, and about mankind in general, “Men love darkness rather than light, because their works are evil”.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Audie.

        Actually, minus the religious aspect, the lady in the video (a devout feminist) basically says what you are.  That society gets bored with itself and decides it will “progress” and that this has happened several times in the past but always right before a society falls into oblivion.

        Now I will disagree with you that “strong” men are bad.  I think they are very good.  I think they are part of what built the West. Now don’t conflate “strong” with assh*le.  That is 2 different things.

        Now to the Biblical portion.  I think you are correct.  In fact I will bring your thought so far forward as to state that the insanity we see before is a direct rebuke of God.  What is going on seems like it would be most offensive to God because that is the intent.  And in doing so we now believe we are God.  It’s the Golden Calf all over again but in this case we used the gold to make a crown for ourselves.

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