The social contract is breaking and along with it society

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      Ultimately a society has a contract with itself.  It will generally agree on what the  rules are, that they should be followed and that those whom break the rules are punished in one fashion or another.

      What’s happened in the last few years is that we apparently no longer agree on what the rules are and whom should follow them.

      So we end up with a civilization that is fracturing because without this social contract you have anarchy.

      I suspect as this continues the west as a whole ,and especially within the USA, little fiefdoms will form.  Some people will band together (probably states) and continue to agree on the contract and the enforcement of it while others fall into chaos.  You see this already playing out in the USA where some states are solidifying their contract while others are allowing it and encouraging it to fall apart.

      Unfortunately, the federal goverment is very much pushing to break the contract with the agenda of “the ends justifies the means”.   When that tact is taken there are no rules, there is simply a power dynamic.  There is no equality (regardless of how much you say there is) there is only power haves and power have nots.

      The real irony here is the forces of breaking this social contract that basically erases equality and fairness claim they do it in the name of equality and fairness.  This is absolute hypocrisy and it’s done intentionally to further an agenda of domination and power.

      While this process has moved pretty far forward, some ground has finally been made in stopping it’s progress.  I think we have hope.  But people need to stop worrying about their superficial differences and work together to regain their freedom.  Folks need to work together to bring the social contract back to life and to enforce it.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

      We have seen around the world, most on the urging of the US, the balkanization of many nations.

      Now that is happening in the US itself.

      This is what was gonna happen before the first civil war.

      And unless the US does not follow by its example it placed on other nations (to peacefully separate), then sadly, expect a second civil war to happen between the states who believe in the republic, in freedoms, in democracy, verses those lawless states whole want woke and marxism to rule.



        That is a super excellent point about the US Civil war.  That is exactly what happened.  Part of the county decided it was no longer going to follow the same rules as the other part.  I know it’s always said that war was about slavery but that is really glossing over it there was a lot going on there and many things can be likened to now I think.


        If only we should be so lucky as to have little fiefdoms form. That will never be allowed. The military will be sent to crush them. We see the same in Europe with countries that don’t tow the line like Serbia. They are being openly threatened with war.

        A second civil war in the US would not be a war. It would a slaughter. The miliary would wipe out conservatives in less than 2 weeks.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Wisdom.
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