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Is the left coming for your children?
Well yes and no.
It’s not the radical left but the power barons or the elites of today. Those whom pull the financial strings of most of the world and thus try to social engineer it.
They just use the radical left as a vehicle to control the masses. And no they don’t care about gay or trans or whatever that is just a convenient hammer with which to bash people into submission with and also use as a shield at the same time. The agenda they created with this is also antithetical to the things they need destroyed to enforce control namely personal freedom, individualism and God. It is a bonus to them that pushing that agenda also results in depopulation as does their devaluation of all life.
“Oh you don’t like us indoctrinating you or your kids or telling you what you can and cannot do?, well that’s because you are a phobe or an ist and a bigot and should now be hated by all and socially beaten (or physically so) until you comply”
What is in play is a modern form of communism. It has the same goals as the old version but now it is enforced and propagated through corporations, specifically big tech which can feign what is popular and what isn’t as well as create inorganic social pressure. But ultimately it will come down to the old methods of force and bloodshed.
You touched on an interesting idea there. I wonder who is really in charge. Are the big leaders like Soros etc really ideologically leftists, or do they simply use hive minded leftist idiots as useful tools to push a more sinister agenda. I know several self-professed Communists, actual students of Hegel and Marx, who absolutely hate the modern left. One of them even antagonized lefties on twitter so much, that he got banned from there (this was pre Musk).
If real communists disagree with the modern left, it could either mean that the modern left simply evolved into something crazier than even the old left, or it could mean that perhaps the ideology was hijacked.
Genius as that may be, it’s almost too smart, which puts it in the real of likely conspiracy theory.
“Are the big leaders like Soros etc really ideologically leftists”
No. They just use the leftists because they are easily convinced and controlled. Especially the young. The puppet masters don’t believe in anything but generational wealth and power. The puppets, because of the groundwork laid down for decades, latch onto the ideology because they have nothing else. Realize that all humans are born with a thirst for something bigger than themselves. I believe God gives us that so we seek him out but he does not force us to satisfy that thirst with him we are allowed to choose whatever we wish. The leftists being mostly Godless are desperately looking for something to latch on to, something to worship and place faith in. They are ripe for the picking. This is why they do not listen to reason and are emotional. They are defending their religion not a political position. And I would imagine they are scared to death that their religion gets invalidated because it means 1) they were wrong and are ideologically homeless and 2) God might actually exist
“If real communists disagree with the modern left, it could either mean that the modern left simply evolved into something crazier than even the old left, or it could mean that perhaps the ideology was hijacked.”
The ideology was indeed hijacked. And that is nothing new. Which is why is it plausible and not at all crazy nor is it genius. People who wish to control and seek to gather wealth and power will find a movement that has potential influence and infiltrate it and use it for their own goals. It’s happened in front of our eyes on different levels in the last several years. Take BLM and The Tea Party. Ideologically different, existed at different times but both subverted and used well outside of their original intentions. In the 80’s and 90’s the Christian right was the tool of choice and that worked well for sometime.
But people like those who comprise the WEF don’t care what they do to other people or how they have to control them. They just want everyone to conform to their control for a multitude of social engineering reasons so long as that results in endless riches and limitless power for them. This is why the same playbook is being used throughout the western world. None of that is organic it is all designed and force fed.
The question remains though, why did the WEF and their predecessors, the Frankfurt School and before them the Marxists and Postmodernists choose to use the left and not the right?
History suggests they saw the Church and Monarchies as political rivals and had to instead march through the institutions to gain power. But if they are really only motivation by power and not ideology, it seems they are needlessly imperiling their takeover by teaming up with these complete psychos. Unless they use them as sacrificial pawns to create chaos, only to then stab them in the back as they offer to establish order. Still seems needlessly convoluted, and with so many of them being pedophiles, I’m pretty sure they are motivated by more than just thirst for power.
“The question remains though, why did the WEF and their predecessors, the Frankfurt School and before them the Marxists and Postmodernists choose to use the left and not the right?”
Well they cannot use the “right”. Being ruled by the state, worshipping your goverment and centralized social engineering and planning does not align with freedom granted by God, personal accountability and independent property rights.
So they use the antithesis to those things in their favor that also has the bonus effects present day of pushing things like depopulation and pedophilia. They have infiltrated the left, used it against itself and put the most extreme militants in control of it which makes is exponentially radical. And anyone who benefits from those things jumps on the power and influence bandwagon.
They have been coming for kids for awhile now. All one has to do is look at the educational system in USA to see that. It’s indoctrination now, not education. The stuff young kids are exposed to and taught in public schools now would have been banned 20 years ago. The stuff being “taught” in collage now is just out right lies.
I have seen so many college kid interviews where they repeat outright propaganda as if it is Gospel (I use that comparison intentionally). They don’t even question it they take it all as fact. It is very scary to me. This is why they go after the young, they are easy to fool and tend to be fervent in their ignorance.