California panel approves up to 1.2 million per black resident

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      So pretty clearly this is insane.  But one has to ask themselves why would a goverment do this especially when there is the very strong possibility they cannot pay for it.  If you think it is because they actually care you need to stop doing drugs.

      But if you paid attention to the last couple of presidential elections you would have noticed that the “black vote” ,while still fully in the bag for the Democrats, shifted by a number of points towards Trump and other republicans.  This is not to mention there was a good number of black Republicans who did well overall as well.

      It’s well known (strategically speaking) that the Democrats have to hold on to the black vote because at what point that starts to slip the democrats lose elections. So I think the last few elections have them shook and they are trying to pull out all the stops to lock in that vote.

      Now, will California ever really pass this?  I doubt it.  But the fact they are seriously talking about it makes all the news and anyone whom is black and swayable through such means will be paying attention and will associate the Democratic party with millions in free money.

      So what you will see is this will be drug out in California and possibly so through the next election cycle and it will get tons and tons of press.  You will see it probably become a hot topic in the presidential election with Biden and Kamala promising to look into it or talk frequently about how they support the measure.

      It’s all smoke and mirrors and political strategy.


      And how do they determine whom qualifies?

      2.251 million (2020)

      So that is 2,7012,000,000,000 California will be dumbing into the economy.

      Is that a lump sum payment?

      How much will that increase inflation? (hyperinflation!)

      How much will they had to borrow?

      How much will taxes go up to pay for this?

      This is nothing but a form of pyramid scheme, where only those at the tip of the pyramid (5% black pop of California) get anything, and the rest PAY for it.

      How quickly will this depopulate California when the super increased taxes (personal and business) as well as inflation drive people to move away.

      How quickly will those moronic politicians cry and yell to washington to bail them out?


      This “panel” was only looking at how they can get themselves rich, IMO.

      And if they think this won’t could inflation or wreck the economy, just ask places like Venezuela.

      In 2016, Venezuela entered hyperinflation. The inflation rate reached 274% in 2016, 863% in 2017, 130,060% in 2018 and 9,586% in 2019. Since 2016, the overall inflation rate has increased to 53,798,500%.

      The value of the USD will take a huge hit.  And an even bigger hit if this insanity hits other states.  Then will the USA sue nations like those in the movie “the woman king”… a nation that created slaves of their own population and their neighbours.

      And what of those nations that STILL do slavery today?


      And, does this mean all the decendents of the Hebrews can sue Egypt for thousands of years worth of reparations for their slavery?

      Will that number be in the BILLIONS per Person?


        Well this is why I think it will never happen nor is it intended too.  It’s all about it being a political carrot and stick.  The same has been done federally with immigration for decades by both Democrats and Republicans.  They both used the border as a huge election issue but no one did anything about it because it was broken just in the way they wished it to be and continues to be.



          how black do i need to be? is there a test?



          There was an interesting interview on Dr. Phil’s show the other day where a black civil rights activist was against repatriations. One of the interesting points he made was that there were about 3,700 free blacks that OWNED approximately 12,000 slaves. He rightly asked if the descendants of those black slave owners should also pay?

          Of course the pro-repatriation panelists went silent because to claim otherwise would expose their double-standards.




          Typical dumb California. CA never had slaves. If anyone should get them, it might be the Chinese for their labor. Also, Coulter pointed out a while back that racial perks were going to people that were not “ADOS” = American Descendants of Slaves, or whatever the term is. One example was Joy Reid of Haitian heritage, who’s family were never slaves in this country, yet she got Ivy League privilege. Same could be said for those like Kamala Harris.

          I’ve met some real sharp people from all backgrounds. My Salutatorian was mixed and he was the most dedicated student I’d ever met. He may not have been the smartest but he definitely worked the hardest and the thing I liked about him the most is that he tried to be an example. He tried to change the culture. He had the football thing going on, but that didn’t matter to him like academics did. Reminds me a bit of the speech the other day by that field goal kicker and that was a real good one.

          Many of the perks and benefits have already been paid in terms of admissions to universities and quota positions and state and federal jobs. They have gone to blacks for generations already. Same with military positions.

          The thing about this is that I’ve met blacks that were already worth that much. You are either good with money or you are not. This will not help. You can go ahead and give that amount of money to every citizen and the breakdown will probably end up the same with 1% being good with money and the rest will go broke.


          The threads on this forum are good because they kind of tie together. This is some ESG stuff right here. It’s done to create social turbulence. It’s done by the same people that loot your countries in wars so that they can kill white Christians in Ukraine. It’s done by the same people that poison the well and give your families brain damage with vaccines in childhood. The staged shootings, the open borders, the wars, the drugs, it’s all done by the ESG people. The same people that would rape your kids on islands. Their attitude is let you and them fight over race and perks and stuff while we kick back and loot your countries. Are you property? As much as it is understandable that people want to fight each other over territory and employment, unless you focus on the ESG people, you are losing and going to be lost.

          the shysters want that civil war so bad, don’t they?


          Typical dumb California. CA never had (BoC) slaves.

          And maybe, outside of virtue signaling, they is a demonic reason for them to do this.

          If the State of California passes their $1.2Million per desendent of slavery and SF passes their $5Million per… that is $6.2Million per.

          And then people in other states will look at this number and say, “Hey, We Want $6.2Million Too!”

          How many states in the US can afford or are willing/wanting to pay this blackmail money?  Will this end the talk/demands for reparation?  HELL NO!  It only opens the door to a pandora’s box where anyone with the slightest feeling of oppression will want free money of their own.

          I think this is exactly what the Commies in Kommifornia wants to do… destroy other states of the union economies just as they have been doing with their own.\


          Great, just give everyone $5Million and watch hyperinflation talk hold.  So what if you have that much in the bank, if the cost of gasoline jumps also +1,000%, bread +1,000%, etc.


          Are there provisions against people moving to California to get this payout?


            I really think one of 2 things will happen here.   If they actually pass it I believe they will make it super difficult to get the full amount.  This is just so they can say all over the country “hey look Democrats care about black people”.  Although I don’t think they will actually pass it.  The Democrats just want to be able to talk about it through 2024 and make it a partisan issue.   As I mentioned above the black vote slipped in recent years and at some point (there is actually a predetermined number) it is said Democrats cannot win an election without it.

            So none of this is organic.  It is all predetermined political strategy.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

            This will happen in all of the US eventually. And admittedly, I’m for it in cases where people can prove their ancestors were slaves. One lifetime of average wages sounds about fair. The slaves did the work. They were not paid. I’m all for it. Also for any other descendants of enslaved individuals.


            What were the casualties in the Civil War? Well over half-a-million? And, of course, the infrastructure and economy of the South were burned to the ground. If that isn’t enough reparations, then as far as I’m concerned, nothing ever will be.

            Another consideration is that if you’re truly after -just- reparations, Africans sold Africans into slavery. Are you going to demand reparations from their descendants still living in Africa? Are you going to demand reparations from, say, the children of Irish and Italian immigrants, who came after the Civil War, and had nothing to do with slavery?

            Personally, I’m opposed to punishing the children for the sins of the fathers, but on the other hand, I think this will backfire on the Left badly, just as “student loan forgiveness” did.


              “student loan forgiveness” did not backfire for the left at all.  It achieved exactly what it was supposed to which is to help get Biden elected.  They essentially tossed it away after that because it was no longer useful to them and now it’s all but forgotten.

              The fervor over reparations is not because so many folks think finally they can get treated fairly, it’s because it’s “free” money. But the reality is it’s not free.  It comes from their own taxes which will probably drastically go up if they stuff gets paid out and the value of their dollar will also drop at the same time.  It’s a lose/lose situation only advantageous as a political issue. Politicians don’t care how many “peasant” houses they have to burn so long as they get to stay in their tower.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

              “What were the casualties in the Civil War? Well over half-a-million? And, of course, the infrastructure and economy of the South were burned to the ground. If that isn’t enough reparations, then as far as I’m concerned, nothing ever will be.”

              Sorry, but those have nothing to do with reparations. Reparations means you get paid what you are owed for either past theft or unpaid labor. That war was not about slavery. It was about the Regime not allowing states to be intependent. Slavery was just the propaganda sticker they put on it to pretend this war was about anything other than a power grab.

              You’re right, Africans sold Africans into slavery. Whites weren’t running through the bushes of central Africa and capturing people. In fract, whites rarely ever left the ports. I’m open to any suggestion on how to collect reparations from the countries that exist today and profited from the sale of slaves.

              One thing to note: Reparations should not mean that whites or anyone gets punished. The vast, vast majority of whites never owned slaves, some even were slaves themselves, and a lot of slave owners were black. And even if you have a direct descendant of a slave owner, you can’t punish people for the crimes of their ancestors.
              Reparations means the victims of an injustice receive what they are owed. I.e. looted art being returned to its owners after WW2. Just read about such a case lately, where after 80 years some family in Russia finally got back some artworks.
              How to handle it with slavery reparations? Simple: the government pays them. For all the stupid shit they waste tax money on, reparations for an actual injustice and actual unpaid labor would not be a bad a thing. The labor the slaves performed is worth something, and they were not paid. They should be paid. If they no longer live, their descendants should be paid. And here’s where it gets dicey with the logistics.

              Some people may descend from more than one generation of slaves. What if you descended from 5 generations of slaves? x2, because each generation had a male and a female, so that’s 10 lifetimes for of unpaid labor.  On the other hand, chances are a slave had more than 1 descendant. Two slaves can have some 50 descendants running around now. So that’s 50 lifetimes worth of money for them, which is more than what was owed to their ancestors.
              Unfortunately, with most records destroyed, there’s no way of figuring that out in detail anymore. So it should just be: who can prove their ancestors were slaves (or very likely slaves), should get reparations.

              However, it should not come at the cost of a tax increase (that would be punishment for all again). The government should have to make due with the budget or reserves it has.
              This should be a one time thing. You get one lifetime worth of average wages if you can prove you are a descendant of slaves. That’s it. After that, the book is closed and the whole social justice crap stops.

              —which you know it won’t, because it’s not about reparations for the left. But it could be for the right. If the right were smart, they would make the case for reparations, instead of letting the left use that as a political propaganda tool as well.

              Vknid said it right. Student reparations helped get Biden elected. People want free money. Most people don’t actually care about reparations, they just want free money. At the same time, whites don’t want to be punished for the sins of a handful of rich cotton farmers.
              Solution: do both. Make it about ACTUAL reparations and in a way that doesn’t punish anyone individually.

              It’s like with lgbt marriage. The left was able to capitalize on that politically and furthermore use it to push their pedo agenda, because the right didn’t see the potential of the idea, and was too blinded by bigotry to see that this would have been in line with a “small government” ideology to keep government out of people’s private lives. Of course the right will make the same mistake here. Instead of pushing for real reparations, the will let the left capitalize on the idea and turn it into another racial thing, giving money to all blacks and pushing some way of punishing all whites.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Wisdom.

              > Sorry, but those have nothing to do with reparations. Reparations means you get paid what you are owed for either past theft or unpaid labor. That war was not about slavery. It was about the Regime not allowing states to be intependent. Slavery was just the propaganda sticker they put on it to pretend this war was about anything other than a power grab.

              In this case, it’s evident to me that reparations is all about hating the United States, and hating white people. I tend to question premises. :)

              Also, the result of the Civil War was the slaves freed, the institution of slavery destroyed, and the nation unified. Whatever the stated goals, that was the outcome, and while it was costly (and by no means perfect), I’d say it was worth it.

              As to reparations in isolation, no matter how you spin it, they’d come from taxpayers, and it’s clearly a “plunder thy neighbor” protocol. (I wonder how Hispanic taxpayers would feel about it.) It’s also impractical: how “black” do you have to be to get a payment? Does having one black grandparent qualify you? Does one white grandparent disqualify you? Wherever that line would be drawn, I suspect there’d be outrage.

              Like I said, this will backfire badly on the Left. (And I’m not buying the notion that student loan forgiveness won Biden the election.)

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