Batman #135 (Legacy #900)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Comics Batman #135 (Legacy #900)

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    For such a milestone issue (the 900th issue of a “Batman” titled comic) it missed.


    These story arc revolves around the “multiverse”  (aka what will happen in the flash movie) of alternate realities.

    It reads more like a flash story than a Batman story.

    So while it does reveal more about The Joker, and how the potential for one in every multiverse universe, is a nice twist, the delivery was lacking.

    Just like the flash movie, our Batman/Bruce Wayne gets to visit various versions of himself, including Batman’89, Batman The Animated series, Batman Beyond, Batman’66 (and the famous shark repellent).


    This story arc (and that of the Mutliversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU) and the recent Flash: One-Minute War combined with the “Dawn of the DC”, is showing me they want to once more alter the characters we all love (like the failed The New 52).  Instead of having the paying customers decides with characters/titles naturally grow (like Nightwing and Robin both getting their only monthly title, as did Catwoman and Harley Quinn, and Superboy and Supergirl) we are now getting a reset.

    Justice League is disbanded – long live the titans.

    Every major super-hero has a potential replacement.

    And how much this Multiversity will alter DC for their “Dawn of the DC” (aka G5 we feared possibly coming about)…

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