How far radical bullies have gone

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      I have said it before and I will say it again.  The people in power do not care what agenda they force you into conformity with so long as you are forced to conform.  Decades ago you would be called Satanic and now that script has been flipped and you are called a transphobe and beaten into submission.

      As a man and a father I watch this young woman struggle to speak about her troubles and I want to hug her, protect her and punch every mf’er in the mouth that steps to her.  How some other men don’t feel the same is beyond me.

      This is coming to all your schools people unless it is stopped.


      I am reminded of witch trials in the 1400s to 1700s in Europe. Remember, they put on tribunals such as this for disabled, spastic or autistic people, where they were supposed to prove that they weren’t heretics (replace with transphobes, racists these days).
      Oh, and when they ran out of spastics, they would even hold trials for goats, cats, cows or chickens. As you wrote “they do not care what agenda they force you into conformity with so long as you are forced to conform.”   It’s about projecting power. Even if this student isn’t punished, the power has still been projected. It’s enough to know that they can punish you. Just like in the middle ages it was enough to put a mentally handicapped or even a cat on trial for witchcraft to let everyone else know: we can do it to you, too.

      Doesn’t matter who wields power, it always works the same way, and it’s always in service of evil.




        Not only do they project power in this way but (just like the witch trials) they also let you know that anyone can be accused any time and no evidence is needed.  This causes people to self censor, comply and walk on eggshells.  It is all intentional and none of it is organic nor is it based on any sort of concern or care for anyone.

        Look at New York right now with the homeless man who was restrained for trying to hurt people and died.  They are openly claiming he is the victim and showing everyone if you defend yourself against the crime they allow to happen you will be punished.  That is all for show and to project power and stoke fear of the goverment.  They WANT you to be afraid.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

        I’ve got slight learning difficulties myself. There’s been talk for a while now about trying to use abortion on mothers who are carrying people like me so that they won’t have to suffer looking after us. The sad and worrying thing is, is that it’s grown in popularity over the last few years. Yes we’re a pain in the ass to deal with at times but there’s no need to use that as a reason for what’s basically a witch hunt for people like me.

        On a lighter note though, if I was a witch, I wouldn’t mind casting a few curses on some of these activists myself😈



          It’s a very simple thing for us all to grasp.  Either all human life is precious or it isn’t.  There is no in-between.  Clearly the radicals will have you believe that only convenient life is worth something and only until it isn’t.  I find that sociopathic and narcissistic as it means humans will choose to play God via their own personal perception deciding whom is valuable and whom isn’t when that is not at all our place.

          God puts us all here as he wants us.  Just because people are different does not make them less.  Just because one person does not see the value in another does not negate that value.

          The Declaration of Independence describes this perfectly while emphasizing that your value and your rights do not come from other people or the government but God which there is no higher power.

          “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

          they also let you know that anyone can be accused any time and no evidence is needed

          A quote by one of Stalin’s henchmen “Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.”

          That being said, you’re probably not surprised that I don’t approve of that marine killing that guy in the subway. Restraining or subduing him? Sure. But when you’ve got a guy in a chokehold from behind and he stops moving and pisses and shits himself, you should probably stop. I’ve trained martial arts, and you unless your opponent falls and hits his head on the concrete, you generally know when you’re using deadly force. Especially during a chokehold. This marine here isn’t a Kyle Rittenhouse who was defending himself in a life and death situation. He’s a lunatic who let his military brainwashing get to his pea brain head. Without a doubt be found guilty.

          My observation: His givesendgo fundraiser is at 200k+ already, while people with life threatening illnesses stand at barely over 3k. This tells me a lot of people are supporting this guy, because of whom he killed. A black thug. On the other hand, he will likely not get a fair trial in NY, the media will hound him and his family, and he will be convicted more harshly than he deserves, because he is white. As usual, when people only see skin color, they become blind.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Wisdom.

            He did not murder him and this all happened as this homeless man was endangering others. It was Rittenhouse minus weapons.  The man doing the choke attempted to recover this guy after has was out.  The death was not intentional and it was an act of self defense (of self and others). Just because a gun was not in use does not erase those things.  If you are looking for someone to blame outside of the homeless man you might try to point the finger at the politicians that all but encourage these things to happen.

            Him being supported has nothing to do with color.  That seems pretty racist on your part to assume that.  I think the deal is simply that it’s been all over the news non-stop and many people live in a similar situation where they exist in danger and fear so they sympathize.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

            Did you actually see the video? The guy trying to recover the victim is someone else. The marine just stands there like an idiot for a few moments, like a bully who just beat up an autistic kid, still high an adrenalin and initially proud of himself. You can literally see his body posture change as the realization kicks in that he screwed up.

            Now admittedly, I have not seen any video showing the entire altercation including its start. Is there one?

            I have to speculate on the start of the altercation based on what was reported in the media. Subduing the guy was apparently absolutely justified. However, I can’t imagine any circumstance where subduing an unarmed, physically decrepit fentanyl wreck would require deadly force. If the guy had been brandishing a weapon, sure. But he was unarmed. He had not yet attacked anyone.

            This was absolutely not a situation like with Rittenhouse, who had a gun pointed at himself and survived by shooting a fraction of a second before his assailants would have killed him. The marine here was never in any danger. He grabbed the guy from behind like a coward and killed him.

            Yes, the killing was not intentional. The video makes that much clear. He had no idea what he was doing, same as that idiot cop in the George Floyd case. While they may not have intended to kill, they absolutely intended to hurt. Chocking someone until he pisses himself… I dunno about your fighting experience, but I any jujitsu fighter I ever met would have long stopped before that.

            Btw this is not a judgement on whether or not the victim here was a thug, a menace or a bad person. You’re right, politicians are to blame for scum like this roaming the streets, pushing people into oncoming trains and so on. In a perfect world, someone like him would not have been roaming the streets. And yes, NY is safer for him being dead. But none of that will matter when it comes to trial. The only questions that will matter

            You’re right, the story is in the news and his fundraiser is being shared a lot on twitter. But again, is he really more deserving of help than someone who is fighting a deadly illness? Some kid with cancer? I think not.
            I may be wrong, but my gut tells me race plays a role in at least some of the support. At least, I hope I’m wrong. I do tend to expect the worst from people.


              “However, I can’t imagine any circumstance where subduing an unarmed, physically decrepit fentanyl wreck would require deadly force”

              Everyone was unarmed so they were equal in that.  But I am fairly confident that prior to the subduing there was not time for a full medical workup by the subduer to find out that the man was a “physically decrepit fentanyl wreck”.  So what was intended as a self-defense move turned deadly most likely due to the condition of the man.

              But almost none of that matters because that has nothing to do with what’s at play here.  What this is all about is New York demonstrating to their people that anyone whom steps out of line or dissents in the least will be dealt with.  The entire move is to instill fear, doubt and inspire conformity.


              But do you think he would have been charged with anything if the guy hadn’t died?

              I mean don’t get me wrong, New York is a corrupt shithole (see that Trump verdict), not defending the city, but in this particular case, I don’t see an innocent man being targeted.

              Yes, everyone was unarmed, which means everyone should have survived. I don’t think this was accidental like if you punch someone and he falls and hits his head. Choking someone until they die is not a quick spur of the moment type of thing. It takes a couple of minutes or so much pressure that you crush the windpipe (which wasn’t the case here to my knowledge). We’ll see what the autospy says. Maybe the guy died from some medical condition, which would indeed not be the marine’s fault. Like you said, can’t do a medical checkup on a guy who’s acting erratically and threatening to kill people. But you can tell if someone is a wreck just by looking at them, and I’m 100% certain I could have subdued him without killing him.


                “I mean don’t get me wrong, New York is a corrupt shithole (see that Trump verdict), not defending the city, but in this particular case, I don’t see an innocent man being targeted.”

                Either you consider it corrupt or you don’t.  In the event it’s corrupt then your level of guilt can have little to do with it as it did in Trump’s situation. I am not sure why you are willing to suspend that belief of corruption in this case.  The state is not acting this way out of a sense of justice it is doing it to make a point.  Even if the guy is set free in the end they will drag him through hell and bankrupt him and the point will be made regardless.


                Not sure I catch your meaning. Yes, NY is corrupt, but that doesnt automatically invalidate all arrests and sentences there. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It just means one can’t rely on their courts for justice and one has to look at each case individually to pass judgement on it. I did, and -barring any as of yet unseen new evidence- in my opinion this is a very clear case of manslaughter. Opinions on that may differ, but I’ve yet to hear one argument made as to why deadly force was necessary, justified or unavoidable on a bum acting erratically in a subway.
                He wasn’t a terrorist with a vest strapped to him or wielding a machete yelling allahu akbar, where deadly force is justified to prevent immediate danger.
                He hadn’t physically attacked anyone yet, so it was not a case of defending another person from an assailant.
                He yelled that he was going to kill someone. That justifies subduing him, but not killing him.

                The fact that NY is corrupt, or whether or not some kangaroo court will find him guilty or not guilty will have no bearing upon my personal opinion of the case. Just like a guilty verdict in the Rittenhouse case wouldn’t have changed my opinion there, either.

                Btw little anecdote from my last visit to NY some 10 years ago. I took a night time subway out to Long Island where I was staying. At the station I saw a black teenager with a hoodie carrying a TV, and some old black guy started yelling at him that he was a “crackhead motherf**king n****r” for “stealing people’s shit”. Maybe it was stolen, maybe not. It looked stolen. Cable dragging out back, he definitely didn’t just pick that up at best buy. The old guy wouldn’t let up, threatened to beat his ass, fu** him up, etc. I remained alert, but had a laugh inside. The NY subway is a zoo. There’s a lot of crazy people in that city, and while you should definitely keep an eye on the loons at all time, you can’t just go Charles Bronson vigilante on anyone off their meds and acting erratically.



                  Dude if it was that bad 10 years ago can you imagine it now?  And even with that thought you are willing to crucify this man because he defended himself and others.  The man is not the one whom failed here.  It is the state which allowed a criminal whom had been arrested 44 times previously to harm people over and over again.



                  But he didn’t defend himself. He grabbed a junkie from behind like a coward and killed him. It’s not self defence if you attack someone from behind.
                  Neely hadn’t attacked anyone, he was just yelling crazy stuff like hundreds if not thousands do on public transport every day.

                  Should Neely have been roaming free? Nope.

                  But Penny couldn’t have known anything about Neely’s past. It’s not up to an individual to appoint himself judge, jury and executioner of someone who may be mentally ill. Imagine if Neely had just been someone with tourette’s or bipolar disorder? Both conditions can lead to uncontrolled outbursts of insults and threats.
                  Guys like Penny are a menace and a bigger ticking timebomb than a junkie like Neely.


                    “But Penny couldn’t have known anything about Neely’s past. It’s not up to an individual to appoint himself judge, jury and executioner of someone who may be mentally ill.”

                    How can he act in a way to know the man was mentally ill he he cannot know anything about his past?

                    “Guys like Penny are a menace and a bigger ticking timebomb than a junkie like Neely.”

                    You have made some crazy claims but that one is top 3 easy.

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